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At home, Adrien told his butler that he feels like having salmon for dinner since he's in the mood for fish meat.

"Coming up" The butler nodded and goes to the kitchen.

His father is always busy in his office every day and barely spends any time with his son which left him feeling isolated. But now with these cat powers, he can finally feel free to do what he wants every night. Like getting Ladybug's attention or go snatch some jewelry from other burglars. Stealing was his thing but he understands that stealing is wrong. Unless there's a good deed in stealing for a reason. Like giving to the poor.

The butler came back with a plate of salmon fish for the young Agreste.

"Thank you" Adrien thanked the butler.

"You're welcome" The butler leaves him for his meal.

This time, however, Adrien ate the salmon normally. His feline eyes glowed green and he was letting his feline nature out. Never in his life did fish taste so good. It's no wonder why cats enjoy fish but he hopes he doesn't have a taste for mice or birds. He knew if he tried a pigeon he would die since he's allergic to them. He slipped a slice of fish meat in his hand to save for Plagg.

As soon as he was done, he left the dining room and headed upstairs with a piece of fish for the alley cat.

Once he got into his room, he quietly calls for Plagg, "Plagg I got some food for you"

"Coming" Plagg came in and walks up to Adrien, holding the fish meat in his palm, "Oh, thank you" Plagg grabs it with his mouth and ate it.

"No problem. Now for my gadgets and utility belt. Tonight is gonna be wild" Adrien said as he fixes his smoke bombs and claw boomerangs.

Once refilling the bombs, he puts them in the pouches with the claw boomerangs.

"You're like a secret agent than a cat burglar," Plagg said.

"Yeah, a super-agent" Adrien said while suiting up.

"You're like everything above than a jewel thief," Plagg said.

"I know that" Adrien puts the cat ears and mask on, his eyes turning into like a cat's, "Meow" He opened the window to go find Ladybug and the only way to do that is robbery at the jewelry store. He spots criminals at the jewelry store and lands on his feet and heads into the entrance. With his gadget weapons in his utility belt, he hopes they work. But first, a good hand-to-hand combat with those crooks.

"Meow, so many mice to eat" He cracks his knuckles before unsheathing his claws.

"No animals in the store! Go chase real mice, pussy cat!" One of them threatened.

"Alright, have it your way!" Cat Noir threw a claw boomerang at one thug.

"Son of a bitch! Get him!" One of them said.

But Cat Noir spin kicked at him and elbow struck another guy in the gut and threw him over. One tried to use a wooden bat, only for Cat Noir to throw one smoke bomb. Then he clawed them all one by one using his cat vision to see through the smoke.

He kicks one hard twice and unfolds a blade in his boot, stabbing the thug in the wrist, "AAAARGH!!!"

"There's more!" Cat Noir pulls his foot back and kicks at another thug, giving a nasty cut.

He goes back to the thug to use his foot to stab him on his other wrist, "Drop it, now" Cat Noir demanded.

"What?" The thug groaned.

"The jewelry necklace that's in your jacket. Give it to me right now or you'll lose your favorite hand" Cat Noir said coldly and pushes his foot with a dagger deep into the man's wrist.

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