Nine Lives

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The next night of the full moon, Cat Noir with his mask off was now at the roof filled with stray cats, including Plagg, meowing at once. Cat Noir can hear them talk but decided to hear them meowing this time. He thought of that night he got killed and was reborn as Cat Noir.

"To think I was given a second chance with nine lives," He said to Plagg.

"If I weren't there, you'd be dead," Plagg said.

"Meow, meow, meow" The cats meowed in agreement.

"And you became the feline king, my kitten" Plagg rubbed his side on Cat Noir.

"Yeah, I did" Cat Noir pets his head, making him purr, "My favorite animals are hamsters and wolves but never in my life would my animal spirit be a cat," Cat Noir said.

"You were lucky," Plagg said.

"Yeah, thank you" Cat Noir replied.

The cats meowed at him for attention by rubbing their heads on him. This made Cat Noir purr at hearing them meow.

"Good kitties" He pets some of them.

"I knew you love cats" Plagg lay down on his owner's lap.

"I have embraced the cat in me" Cat Noir joked.

"And got the girl of your dreams" Plagg added.

"Yup," Cat Noir puts his mask back on and stands up, "This kitty is gonna hunt jewelry at the store" He purred in seduction before jumping to the next roof, running on all fours like a cat.

He found the jewelry store and landed in a crouching pose before walking to the glass door, using his claws to circle a hole, and going inside. He purred at the sight of the Egyptian cat jewel mask.

"Meow, come to kitty, my darling" Just as he was about to claw the glass display, he felt his 'whiskers' tingling and on cue, he felt a gun to his head and he gasped quietly.

"Move your filthy paws away from that, now" The robber demanded.

Cat Noir turns around and hits him hard in the gut before hitting another robber three times and throwing one over his shoulder to the floor. He then knees one in the gut and wraps his whip around the next one's neck before thrusting himself off him to whip the others. He then lunges at one and rapidly punches him unconscious and did the same on the next one.

"Meow, is this cat too much?" Cat Noir taunts the fallen robbers.

"What the hell are you?!" The knocked-down robber asked.

"I'm Cat Noir, Paris's first Anti-hero" Cat Noir replied.

Laughing that these crooks lost and he went to where he was but Ladybug stopped him from going near the jeweled mask, "It's forbidden to scratch the glass, kitty" Ladybug taunted.

"Please, it's so puuuurrrrrrecious and shiny," Cat Noir said.

"Naughty kitty. Do you ever teach your paws some manners?" Ladybug flirted.

"Maybe only towards you" Cat Noir pulled her close.

"Just because I'm a lady to you?" She puts her arms around his neck.

"My purrfect lady, yes" Cat Noir flirted.

His lady pushed him against the wall, pinning him, "And ladies can scare men"

"Meow, and I love it when ladies get angry. It always adds to the story" Cat Noir purred.

"Well, let's get dangerous" Ladybug whispered into his ear.

"Wild cats don't like to be petted, bugaboo" Cat Noir kissed her lips.

"Mmmmmm?!" Ladybug was caught off guard.

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