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The next day, no school, but he had Chinese lessons to study in his room but instead of studying Chinese, Adrien paced back and forth, trying to remember who or what saved his life.

"I'm sure I heard two loud bangs and then nothing," He thought.

He needed information about how he got these feline powers. Was it a miracle? Or did God give him a new life? He sits at his desk and searched about cats in history. Starting with the ancient one, Ancient Egypt. He scrolled through the numbers of Egyptian gods.

Soon he found the page of Bastet, "She's the goddess of the home, domesticity, women's secrets, cats, fertility, and childbirth" He read a short info about her, "So in a way I was reborn"

The cats have been sacred to the goddess for thousands of years and they pass this blessing to women to be reborn with cat powers.

"Well, I'm the first guy reborn so far," Adrien said.

The historical photos show an Egyptian woman with a cat, another from London, another from China, and everywhere the cats are, history says that cat women mysteriously are like witches or devils.

He knew already that black cats bring bad luck. He then remembered something when he woke up that night in the dumpster. Plagg mysteriously was there but was he really sacred or did he have the ability to bring the dead to life?

"Plagg, I wanna ask you something" He called for him.

"What?" Plagg leaps down.

"Do you have a part of me being reborn?" He asked.

"," Plagg admitted.

"You brought me back to life, didn't you?" Adrien guessed and if his cat really did, why did he?

"I had to, you're too young to die," Plagg said.

"What really happened to me?" Adrien goes to sit on his bed.

"You were shot twice and your heart stopped from the shock, so I followed you and the men out to the dumpster while you weren't looking," Plagg explained.

"So I did die?" Adrien said.

"No human could have survived that but I brought you back by giving you nine new lives," Plagg said.

"Is that why I feel.....different?" Adrien can't believe he died and was reborn as a cat man.

"I'm afraid so, you deserved a second chance," Plagg said.

"I can't believe it" Adrien stands up and paced back and forth; unbelievable that he died and was reborn.

"One minute I was dead and then came back to life with superpowers! It's incredible but creepy" Adrien held his head in disbelief.

"Some say it's a blessing or a curse. That's why I escaped the lab and met you. You were the one that I need. My ancestors have brought women back from the dead they were reborn as cat women. You are the first and only man to be reborn" Plagg said.

"Yes, and now I'm Paris's number one criminal as Cat Noir," Adrien said.

"But unlike the others that like stealing, you're very different," Plagg said.

"I don't kill people for example," Adrien said.

"But you do like to claw them," Plagg said.

"Yes, but to scare them," Adrien said.

"So cats like you are very sacred to goddess Bastet?" Adrien said.

"Yes, we are" Plagg nodded.

"But I have one question. If your ancestors saved all women for centuries, why did you save me? I'm a man" Adrien asked.

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