Book 1: Water | 32 | Actions Speak Louder

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Art Drawn By Me! The vote on the poll for Ayaan to have a pet? Well, there she is! Be prepared to meet her when they finally get to the North Pole!

(from now on the "future chap" quotes will be at the top of the chapter)


There was a girl with silver-white hair, an even lighter, brighter shade than his own, watching them. She had the same look on her face as he did when their eyes met for the first time. Something in his mind clicked, and he instantly felt like he knew her, or that they were close. Friends, Siblings.

It was a strange feeling he could not understand. By the confusion seen on her face, he could tell that she had experienced something similar.

For some reason, she reminded him of who he looked to every night in the starlit sky. She reminded him of the moon.

And for her, he reminded her of the vast ocean, a beautiful calm that hides a turbulent truth.


"...are you?"


Hala and Haru's home was a peaceful, quaint settlement. They had a one-story, comfortable little house, a barn large enough for Appa to rest in, and a small crop field. They lived just outside the village on the mountainside, which bordered the forest. The view from there was wonderful, and if the firenation weren't around it would be a nice place to relax. The atmosphere here was much better than in the marketplace. It was calm, and quiet, allowing one to briefly forget their worries to simple be.

In an odd way, it reminded Ayaan of his home, his heart missing their grandmother's warm little hut.

Being in close proximity with people made him realize once again how abnormal he was. Ayaan was over six feet tall. Everyone else barely passed five feet, if that. The elders in his village reasoned that it was because his body was blessed, pushing it past the norms. Being a child at the time, he just accepted it. Plus, his mother wouldn't stop praising him, boasting about her son one day outranking everyone in height.

He remembered his father being shocked the day that came true, and when they measured their heights together Ayaan was the taller one. From then on he just kept growing, like a tree. It was odd needing to look down to meet his dad's eyes.

"It's not much, but it's home. I know that isn't a lot..."

"No, it's perfect! Thanks, Mrs. Hala!" Aang said, looking at the barn with sparkling eyes. He and Ayaan shared a look after peeking at the barn. Fresh hay, open space, shade, it was perfect, "Imma go get Appa, he'll love it!"

"Appa?" Haru asked. He was confused by how happy they were. It was only a barn, without even a bed to sleep on. He was just like his mother, wanting to return the money Ayaan had paid them. It wasn't worth this sad excuse for lodging.

"Yes. Our flying bison. He is very fluffy."

"Excuse me? Your flying what now?" It was then he saw something coming in from the distance, "...Huh?" It just continued to get bigger, revealing a giant beast made of fluff, "HUH?!"

Appa comes flying in, a pleased airbender at the base of his neck. He jumps down to lead the bison to the barn where he'd be able to rest and eat. Before going in, though, the bison had priorities. He gave Ayaan a massive lick, essentially coating him in saliva from head to toe.

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