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Izukus POV

That happened a few years ago. I'm officially 17. I met all might and I became his successor 3 years ago and now I'm in my 3rd year of UA.

I walk in the classroom to see the usual. My friend group consists of Todoroki who clearly has a crush on iida, iida who has a crush on Todoroki. Tsyuu who has a crush on Uraraka and maybe Mina and Uraraka who has a crush on me.

I look towards kacchan and see him talking to his friend group which consists of kirishima who has a crush on kacchan, Mina crush on Kirishima or tsyuu, denki the one who's dating my brother,  sero who has no crush I believe, and jiro who's dating momo.

Now you may be asking me right now how in the hell do you know all of this. Let's just say...I have my ways (just don't go into my number 14 hero analysis notebook that's hidden under my bed in a box with a lock that says books written on top so in case anyone who sees it doesn't go inside of it). -_-

Anyways after about 5 minutes of talking. My father- Aizawa walks into the room.


I wouldn't say walk

He's in his cocoon so ya know he's kinda scooting- well that doesn't matter he makes his way to his chair and unzips the top just so his arms can be visible.

"Alright class today is time for you to get your new dorms." Yep ever since what happened with kacchan a few years ago they've updated the dorms.

"Although you are almost grown problem children, you will have to pick a roommate. And by pick I mean I choose for you. Now one floor equals 1 room. I know I know everyone has many questions running around their mind so let me talk before you ask" he stops and starts talking again.

" your almost grown so I really hope you can handle someone being the opposite second gender as you. Prime alphas will share a room with omegas because they seem to be more protective over their friends/mates. If anything happens call me and I'll deal with the situation. So lemme give you the list" he takes a break and sighs before talking again, already tired

"Mina and Kirishima
Iida and Todoroki
Denki and mineta
Momo and jiro
Uraraka and asui
Sero and hagakare
Todoyami and shouji
Sato and kouda
Ojiro and aoyama
And lastly
Bakugo and Midoriya" he finished

Everyone let out a groan either of happiness or sadness.

"I want to be with deku" Uraraka said
"I don't want to live with mineta" kaminari yelled
"But Aizawa, midobro is a prime alpha shouldn't bakubro be with someone like me"
"SHITTY HA-" kacchan started

"Quiet" father said while activating his quirk no Uraraka I see the way you act around him," she blushed, "he would get very annoyed. Kaminari your the only one who can handle mineta and you won't be there half the time anyway." Kaminari blushed, "your also a prime alpha and midoriya is a lot more in control with his than you." Kirishima fumed and turned towards me. I looked at him with a smirk basically saying I won this little battle., "Bakugo stop cursing and with that everyone has three off days come back on Thursday for school. Come grab your Keys in the order I called you. Bye" Aizawa finished and rolled out of the classroom.

What was dad thinking putting me with my crush- I mean childhood bully....I mean I will have to thank him for that later. I also heard from him back at home that our rooms will be soundproof just not the ceiling and seeing that our names were called last that means we get the top floor.

Let's goo.

Bakugo POV

Please don't be deku please don't be deku please don't be deku please don't be deku please don't be deku. Please universe I won't ever yell-

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