✨De sleepover✨

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Katsuki POV

Deku and I were at the end of the hallway when he pushed the button to the elevator. We both got in and I pressed the 1st floor button.

Omg I can't believe I just did that. Why would I say those things. Now he's gonna be looking at me weirdly.

*ding* then the elevator doors opened but before I could walk out I felt a hand grab my sore wrists.

I turn around to meet dekus gaze. "Are you sure you want to go to this party I could always make up an excuse" he asked.

"Yea I'm fine and we all know what would happen if I didn't go" I said with a small smile to calm his nerves. "Your such a worry wort" I mumbled hoping he didn't hear me.

"Sorry kacchan" he said with a smirk. I could feel my face heat up but in order for him not to see I turned around and started walking to the commons.

There were food and snacks on the large coffee table. Since there were 3 tv in here someone bought 2 PlayStations and 1 Xbox. Sero and kaminari were playing mortal combat on the Xbox and Mina was playing a dance game on one of the PlayStation. Jiro on the other.

"Hey guys" the nerd shouted. Everyone turned around and saw me and him walking towards them.

"Bakubabe you actually came" Mina shouted

"Deku-Kun your hear" Uraraka said as she ran up to him.

I sat down on the nearest couch and grabbed a bag of flamin hot Cheetos. When I ate one it wasn't spicy enough so I went into the kitchen to get some more spices.

When I came back to the couch everyone looked at me bc I had some of the hottest sauces in my hand.

"What" I asked. I sat down and started pouring the different things into the bag. I grabbed the top and spun it around to make sure nothing gets out and started shaking it.

After about a minute or so I finish shaking it and took one out. It's still quiet in the room besides the backgrounds noises from the gaming centers.

"Do you wanna try it or not" everyone and I mean everyone except deku nodded their heads. Since it was one of the family sized bags I got a big bowl from the table and poured about half into the container. When I finished everyone came and grabbed one chip.

Then they put it in their mouth. They stopped moving? But why?

"You extras can't handle the heat?" I asked with a smirk on my face.

"U-umm yea we can. S-see I can e-even eat another one" dunce face said and grabbed another cheeto and put it in his mouth.

He tuned to me and gave me a crooked smile and then got up and ran to the kitchen. Not just him tho everyone else as well. So now it was just me and izuku- deku.

When he noticed we were alone he came and sat by me. He put his hand in the bag and started eating some.

"Why didn't you get some out of the bowl?" I asked.

"Come on you know I don't want to put something in my mouth after there was 18 different hands in there." He responded.

"Fair point" I said as I took out my phone and started scrolling through Instagram waiting for everyone to get back.

What I didn't know was that there was a certain prime watching my every move.

Kirishima POV

As soon as I put the chip in my mouth i didn't feel anything but after 10 seconds my tongue felt like it was on fire.

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