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Katsuki POV

When I opened my eyes I was greeted with great light. I responded my immediately shutting them. Where the fuck am I. I could've sworn I was at my parents house with deku.

Yea when I got there I went upstairs and got situated. Then when I went downstairs I got beaten and raped. Again.

I opened my eyes slower this time, trying to push the memories away. I don't want to focus on it. I look towards the right and I see everything moving. Well I'm not standing so how the fuck- oh Duh I'm in a fucking car. How dumb can you be katsuki.

When I looked the other way I saw deku. But not the cheery alpha you always see. His brows are furrowed and he's glaring at the road ahead like he mad at it. Let's not forget his ears and the way his eyes turned colors. His hands were gripped so tight on the stealing wheel you could see his veins pop out of his arms.

Damn he locked fucking sexy.

When I took a breath I smelled a forest but instead of sunshine it smelled like it was about to rain. It's weird like I could smell the humidity in the air along with pine trees and animals.

He's angry. But at what. At me? What the hell did I do? Did I threaten him? No! Did I hit him? No. Did I make him uncomfortable in any way back at home m? N-

Did he fucking hear me. My mother wasn't really the quite type and even though my room is soundproof, he's a fucking prime. There hearing is better than perfect. Hell if they focus hard enough I really do think they could hear a persons fucking thoughts.

Did he hear me fall or hit the wall or scream or the slaps and punches or the yelling or my father and his grunts and moans-

"Kacchans what's wrong" his stupid ass voice brought me out of my messed up head. I didn't realize but I felt my breath quicken. I just couldn't get enough oxygen in my lungs. It wasn't fucking working. At this point my chest started hurting and my leg started bouncing, anxiety creeping in.

Answer the damn question katsuki. Tell him what's on your mind

No I can't. What if I'm just over thinking this and he actually didn't hear anything.

Why? are you so much of a pussy you can't tell him about your home life.

Why would I even want him to know that

Well just think about it. You used to bully him way before his mom died. Make his entire life a living hell. Why the fuck wouldn't you tell him? Don't you owe him that much.

But he knows enough

Oh yea. Does he know that you willingly give up your body to old greasers who can't get a fuck in no matter how hard they try


Does he know that you try to sedate them every time you meet up

No but-

Does he know that you have a session that's your supposed to be heading to right now

No. Wait a session?

Yea you were just to busy getting fucked by you dad and getting beat by your mom that they forgot to tell you the information on where your supposed to meet up

Goddamnit. I forgot about that. That's the entire reason I went there in the first place.

Ignoring the questions deku send my way I pick up my phone that was sitting on top of my lap, I grabbed it and scrolled down on my Lock Screen seeing a text from my mother sent 10 minted ago.

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