Chapter 4

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Peter Pov

I was shocked when I saw Ellie Confair, my crush since primary school, standing in front of me. I had no idea we would be going to her grandfathers house.

I really feel bad about all the times I teased her. I really do. I just can't tell her how I feel. I haven't told anyone.

Edmund and I went to Susan and Lucy's room. When we got to there room I sat down and turned on the radio. Soon enough Lucy started crying. Susan came over and turned off the radio.

"The sheets feel scratchy," Lucy said in tears.

"Don't worry Lu we'll be home soon," Susan said reassuringly.

"If homes still there,"Edmund had to put in his opinion. We all glared at him.

"Shouldn't you be in bed?" Susan asked. She sounded like a mother scolding her child.

"Yes mom!" Edmund said snakily.

"Ed!" I exclaimed.

"Ed!" I yelled at him. He walked out of the room.

"Lucy, you saw the outside. This place is huge. We can do whatever we want. Tomorrow's going to be great. Really," I said. I was happy I was able to cheer her up.

With that Edmund stomped out of the room. After that I decided to go to bed too. So I hugged Lucy goodnight and head to my room. I got in bed then drifted off to sleep.

At first I dreamt about dad and what it would be like if he were here. Then it went to one person in particular. Ellie Confair. It was the moment she turned that corner over and over again. For some reason she was the only thing I could dream about.

The next morning it was raining so there goes my idea of going outside today. It was very interesting, I managed to embarrass myself in front of Ellie.

I was walking in the halls coming back from the bathroom and almost ran into her. I'm pretty sure I stuttered  and muttered saying "Im sorry" to her. God I made a fool of myself.

It's been a couple hours since my embarrassment and we were sitting in the library. Lucy was sitting on the window sill. Edmund was lying under a chair carving god knows what onto it. And Susan and I were playing a game that Susan made up.

"Gastrovascular," she said to me," Come on Peter, Gastrovascular."

"Is it Latin," I asked very annoyed.

"Yes, it is," she replied.

"Is it Latin for "worst game ever invented," Edmund opened his big mouth.

Lucy came over to me with her big puppy dog eyes. She had an idea, I could see it.

"We could play hide and seek," she said.

I looked at her for a second then started counting.

"1-2-3-4," with that Edmund, Lucy, and Susan ran out of the room.

When I got done counting I got up and started looking for my siblings.

I went down a hallway i've never been down. I came to a door. I felt like I shouldn't have gone in there, but something was telling me to go. So I opened the door. When I did I immediately regretted it. I saw the girl that I have a hard time talking to. There she was on a chair by the fireplace. She turned her head to me and froze. I had no idea what she must have been thinking.

"I'm so sorry. I had no idea this was your room," I said very embarrassed.

She just looked at me. I'm absolutely sure I blushed when I apologized. Why does she make me feel this way.

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