Chapter 14

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Peter POV

I was riding on my unicorn fighting the witch's army. Edmund made the signal for the fire and it worked until the witch put it out with her wand.

"Fall back, drawl them to the rocks!" I yelled.

We all ran back to our side of the field when my unicorn was shot with an arrow. Oreius and a rhino charged at the witch's army.

"No!" I yelled but they didn't hear me.

The rhino was defeated and Oreius was about to go after the witch. He jumped into the air and the witch tuned him into stone as she dodged his swing. The witch was advancing on me as I was fighting.

"Edmund! Get the girls and get home!" I yelled to my brother.

I kept fighting. The witch was getting closer to me, fast. Once the witch got to me we began fighting. I was losing.

Out of the corner of my eye I see Edmund running toward the witch. The witch was about to hit me with her wand, but Edmund hit her wand and snapped it in half. The witch stabbed him in the stomach and he fell to the ground as she pulled it out.

We began fighting again but I was fueled by a bit of rage. She hurt my friends and family.

She kept blocking my blows and I was blocking hers. She was able to knock my sword out of my hand. She knocked me off my feet, and put a sword into my bicep. She raised another sword and was about to kill me.

Just then an arrow with golden feather hit her in the arm, and a rawr was heard. We both looked up and saw Aslan with the girls and an army. I was able to get the sword out of my arm and get up. We started fighting until Aslan jumped on her and killed her. Aslan turned back to me as the girls came over.

"It is done." Aslan said.

I hugged my sisters and then Ellie. As she pulled back she asked, "Where's Edmund?"

I ran over to where I last saw him. A dwarf was about to kill him when Susan shot an arrow at the dwarf killing him.

We ran over and knelt next to Edmand. Susan pulled his helmet off. Lucy gave him a drop from her cordial. Edmund stopped breathing and I started to cry, but all of a sudden he opened his eyes and gasped for air. We all hugged him.

"When are you going to do as your told?" I asked him.

We all got up and I wrapped my arms around Ellie's waist as she wrapped hers around my neck. I held onto Ellie like my life depended on it. We pulled back and I kissed her. We heard a cough and pulled apart. We looked at my siblings embarrassed.

Edmund was smirking while Susan and Lucy were giggling. I looked at Ellie again and pulled her into another embrace.

We all went back to camp and gathered all our stuff. Once everyone was ready we got on horses heading to Care Paravel.

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