Chapter 7

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Ellie's POV

We all looked at each other. Peter then ran to the side and grabbed all our coats handing them to us. We ran out the door and through the snow. We followed the footprints until the snow filled them in.

Luckily we saw the last of his foot steps up a hill. We ran with Peter ahead telling us to hurry up. When we got to the edge of the trees we can see Edmund's small frame entering the big ice castle.

"Edmund!" Lucy scream her Brother's name.

"Shh, they'll hear ya."

Peter looked determined and started to go to the castle, but Beaver stopped him by grabbing his sleeve.

"Get off me," Peter said frustrated.

"Your playing into her hands."

"We can't just let him go," Susan said.

"He's our brother," Lucy said.

He's the bait.  The witch wants all four of you.

"Why?" I asked.

"To stop the prophecy from coming true. To kill you," Mr Beaver said to us. Just then the castle doors closed..

"This is all your fault!"  Susan yelled at Peter.

"My fault," Peter said a bit offended.

"None of this would happen if you just listen to me in the first place!"

"So you knew what was going to happen?" Peter shot back.

"I didn't know what was going to happen. Which is why we should have left while we still could!"

"Stop it!" I shouted.

"This isn't going to help Edmund," Lucy told her siblings.

"She's right. Only Aslan can help your brother now," Beaver said.

"Then take us to him," Peter said.

We all looked back at the castle one last time. Then we heard a howl. We ran back down the hill into the woods.

I tripped once and Peter was behind me. He reached forward to stop me from falling, and it gave me butterflies. I shook them away because we have to get to the dam. When we got there Mr Beaver was hurrying Mrs Beaver.

"Hurry mama, there after us."

"Oh, right then."

"What's she doing?" Peter asked.

"You'll be thanking me later. It's a long journey and Beaver gets pretty cranky when he's hungry." Mrs Beaver said while gathering things around.

"I'm cranky now," Beaver told her. Susan went and helped Mrs Beaver.

"Do you think we need jam?" Susan asked no one in particular.

"Only if the witch serves toast," Peter told Susan.

Susan glared at Peter. Then we heard barking and howling. The wolves were scratching at the dam and stuck there noses in. Mr Beaver Led us into a tunnel he build, and we started running.

We were running bent down with the beavers in the front. Peter behind them holding a torch. Lucy and Susan behind him holding a lantern. Then I was behind them. I was Just able to keep up.

"Badger and me Built this. Comes out right near his place," Mr Beaver told us.

"You said it led to your mum's," Mrs Beaver scolded Mr Beaver.

Then Lucy tripped and fell. We all stopped, and Susan helped Lucy up. Susan muttered a "Lucy". Then we can hear the wolves in the tunnels.

"There in the tunnels," Lucy whispered.

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