Chapter 9

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Ellie POV

My breathing was heavy. We got to the cave, and I was right next to Peter. I didn't realize we were still holding hands until we both looked at each other. Though we didn't let go of each other's hand. I didn't mind our position given our current situation.

Then a shadow appeared over the cave. It walked away after a couple seconds. It was silent for a few moments. Peter started to stand up, and let go of my hand.

"I guess i'll go look." Peter said.

"No, your no use to Narnia dead." Mr Beaver stopped him.

"Neither are you are you." Mrs Beaver told him.

Mr Beaver patted Mrs Beaver's hand and left the cave. He sniffed the air then went up the little hill. We couldn't hear anything for a minute but then Mr Beaver popped his head down over the roof of the cave scaring us. That made Lucy and I scream. Peter quickly grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

"Come here, come here. I hope you've been good because there's some one here to see ya." Mr Beaver spoke.

We all got up and walked out of the cave. When we got out I was stunned. Standing there was Father Christmas. He was by his sleigh. Father Christmas laughed when he saw our expressions.

"Merry Christmas sir." Lucy said stepping forward.

"It certainly is Lucy. Since you've arrived." Father Christmas said.

"Look, I've put up with a lot since we got here, but this-" Susan said but Peter cut her off.

"But we thought you were the witch." He said.

"Yes, yes sorry about that but uh in my defense I have been driving one of these longer than the witch." Father Christmas replied.

"I thought there was no Christmas in Narnia." Susan stated.

"No, for a long time but the hope that you have brought your majesties has finally started to weaken the witch's power. Still I dare say you could do with these." Father Christmas said.

He laughed as he pulled out a big red sack from the back of his sleigh. Lucy ran forward to Father Christmas.

"Presents!" Lucy said.

Father Christmas pulled out a bottle with a red liquid in it, and a red sheathed dagger. He knelt down so he was Lucy's height.

"The juice of the Fire Flower. One drop will cure any injury. And I hope you never have to use it." Father Christmas said as he handed the objects to Lucy.

"Thank you sir, but I thank I can be brave enough." Lucy said looking at the dagger first then Father Christmas.

"I'm sure you could. Battles are ugly affairs." he said. She came back to us.

He turned back to his sleigh and pulled out a beautiful quiver of arrows with red feather tips and a bow. He also pulled out a horn in the shape of a lion head. He stood back up and looked at us.

"Susan." She walked forward, "Trust in this bow and it will not easily miss." He said as he handed her that quiver and bow.

"What happened to 'Battles are ugly affairs'?"Susan asked.

"Although you don't seem to have a problem making yourself heard." He handed her the horn," Blow on this and wherever you are help will come."

"Thanks." Susan said softly. She stepped back with us.

Father Christmas turned back to his sleigh and took out a sword with a red sheath and at the hilt sat a lion head. He pulled out a silver shield with a red lion on it. He turned back to us.

"Peter" Father Christmas said and Peter stepped forward."The time to use these may be near at hand." He handed them to Peter.

Peter pulled the sword out to reveal a shinning steel blade. It had gold engravings. Peter admired it.

"Thank you sir." Peter said.

He sheathed his sword and walked back to us. I kinda just stayed at the back watching everyone expecting to not be noticed.

"Ellie, come here." Father Christmas said. It shocked me.

I walked forward to Father Christmas. He turned back to his bag for the last time and pulled out a quiver filled with golden feathered tipped arrows and a bow. They were beautiful. Father Christmas turned back to me.

"Maybe you will finally find your voice." He handed me the bow and quiver. "And with time find a path that will lead you to the life you have always wanted."

He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a necklace.

"And I believe this will have some meaning in time." Father Christmas says. "Do you know what this is?"

"The constellation of corona." I said.

"In deed. You might find that what this constellation symbolizes will mean a lot to you."

"Thank you sir."

"These are tools not toys. Bear them well and wisely. Now, I must be off winter is almost over. Things do pile up when you've been gone 100 years." Father Christmas said.

He lifted his bag into the back of his sleigh. He turned back to us.

"Long live Aslan." He said while getting in the sleigh. "And merry Christmas."

We all said "Merry Christmas" as he road off.

Lucy looked back at Susan and said," I told you he's real."

"He said winter was almost over." Peter said, "You know what that means...... No more ice."

We all strapped our weapons on, and I clipped my necklace around my neck. We all agreed we had to move if we wanted to get to Aslan's camp in time.

Time Skip

We walked for half an hour until we heard the rushing water of the partially frozen river. The only part we can cross is the waterfall which was still frozen. We stopped at the top of the hill.

"We need to cross now." Peter said.

"Don't beavers make dams?" Lucy asked Mr Beaver.

"I'm not that fast dear."

"Come on." Peter said.

"Wait, will you think about this for a minute." Susan said.

"We don't have a minute." Peter told his sister.

"I'm just trying to be realistic." Susan defended herself.

"No, your trying to be smart. As usual."

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This going to be a 2 part of Ellie's point of view again.

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