Chapeter 15

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Ellie POV

When we got to Care Paravel we were brought to our rooms. We were told that tomorrow we would be crowned as kings and queens. I went to bed so I won't be tired tomorrow.

Time Skip

When I woke up I got dressed into a green dress. I walked to the dining hall to see all the Pevensies sitting there. I smiled at them and they smiled back. I sat down next to Peter and he held my hand.

Time Skip

We laughed all through breakfast, but we had to go get ready. I went into my room to see a faun with a beautiful dress.

It was scarlet with a gold cape. I got dressed and sat down at the vanity in my room. The faun, who's name I learned to be Siria, did my hair in a half up half down look.

I stood up and looked at the floor length mirror by the wall. I looked beautiful. The dress matched my red hair almost perfectly.

It was time for the coronation, so I walked down to the doors outside of the ballroom. Susan, Lucy, and Edmund saw me first. Peter had his back turned to me talking to Aslan. Edmund nudged his brother and nodded behind him. When Peter turned around he had a look of aww.

Everyone looked great. Lucy had a silver-bluish colored dress and a navy blue cape. Susan had a blue dress on and a royal blue cape. Edmund had on a silver-bluish shirt and blue pants with a navy blue cape. Peter had a royal blue shirt and gold pants with a gold cape, like mine.

When I reached them Peter hugged me and kissed my head.

"You look beautiful Ellie." Peter said.

"Thank you."

"It is time children." Aslan said.

We lined up with Edmund to the far left then Peter next to Aslan. Me, Susan, then Lucy on the far right on the opposite side of Aslan.

The doors opened and we walked up to the thrones with wide smiles on all our faces. When we got to the thrones we stood in front of ours and turned around to face the crowd. Aslan sat in front of us and spoke to the crowd as Mr Tumnus and the beavers come up to us.

"To the glistening eastern sea, I give you queen Lucy the Valient."

Mr Tumnus took a sliver crown with leaf details on it and placed it on Lucy's head.

"To the great western wood, king Edmand the Just."

Mr Tumnus placed a silver crown with leaves on Edmund's head.

"To the radiant southern sun, queen Susan the Gentle."

Mr Tumnus placed a rose gold crown with flowers on Susan's head.

"To the clear northern skies, high king Peter the Magnificent."

Mr Tumnus placed a gold crown with leaves on Peter's head.

"And to the shining moon and stars, lady Ellie the Loyal."

Mr Tumnus placed a gold crown with stars on my head.

We all couldn't stop smiling. Aslan started to speak again, but to us this time.

"Once a king or queen of Narnia, always a king or queen of Narnia. May your wisdom grace us until the stars rain down from the heavens.

All hail king Peter. All hail king Edmund. All hail queen Susan. All hail queen Lucy. All hail lady Ellie."

Time Skip

It had been a little while after there was dancing and talking. I was talking with Susan and a couple of fauns about how beautiful everything is.

Susan saw something behind me and winked at me. To say I was confused was an understatement. I had no idea why she did that, until I felt a hand touch mine. I jumped a little while I turned around to see Peter. Peter laughed at me which made me laugh. He held out his hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2022 ⏰

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