Chapter 8

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Peter Pov

After the fox left we all laid down by the fire. Susan, Lucy, Ellie, and the Beavers fell asleep right away. Well at least I thought  Ellie fell asleep, but I can see her eyes are open staring at the sky.

I couldn't fall asleep because I didn't know what to do. I don't know if I should stay and help fight, or go get Edmand back and just leave. I sit up and go over to Ellie hesitantly. She saw me coming and sat up.

"What are you doing up?" I asked her.

"Couldn't sleep. What about you?" She asked me.


I can tell there is something she wants to tell me.

"Why did you tease me at school all the time?" She asked me with a sad voice.

It made me a bit sad hearing her small voice. I wanted to tell her the truth, but I couldn't tell her. I'm torn at the moment because I don't know what to do. I can't bare the thought of her thinking I don't like her.

"It's complicated. It's hard to explain." I told her.

She just nodded her head. She laid back down. I figured she was tired, so I laid down and went to sleep a little bit away from her.

Time Skip

I woke up to the bright sun in my eyes and Mr Beaver right next to my face. He kept shaking me and it was getting annoying.

"Can you stop shaking me? Im up."

"Ok, well get up and wake everyone else up." He told me and walked off.

I sat up and saw Mrs Beaver waking my sisters up, so I went over to Ellie, who was still asleep, to wake her up. I shook her shoulder lightly, unlike Mr Beaver did to me.

"Ellie, wake up we have to go." I said in a tired voice.

She stirred and sat up rubbing her eyes to wake up. I stood up offering her my hand. She looked at me confused, and took my hand. I could feel my face getting warm. It was cute how small her hand was in mine. Then again I just now realized how much I tower over her.

"Thanks." She muttered to me.

Then the Beavers finished packing everything up. We headed through the mountains, and onto a rock high above the ground. We looked over the land in front of us. It was so much.

"It's so far." I said.

"It's the world dear. What did you expect it to be small." Mrs Beaver said.

"Smaller." Susan glared back at me over her shoulder.

"Now Aslan's camp is near the stone table. Over the frozen river." Mr Beaver said.

"Frozen river?"

We started walking down the rock making sure no one slipped and fell. We were able to make down with no injuries.

We walked for hours. The Beavers in the front, Susan and Ellie in the middle, and Lucy and I in the back. I was watching Ellie to make sure she didn't fall like Lucy has a couple times. I just feel protective of her, I can't help it.

"You like her don't you?" Lucy asked beside me.

"I do, but she would never like me." I said.

"You never know she could like you."

"Lucy I really don't think Ellie likes me. Especially after all the years I've teased her."

"Well there is always hope." Lucy said. "I still think you two would be a very cute couple."

"Just come on Lucy."

What Lucy said had me thinking for another hour as we walked. By this time the Beavers were way ahead of us. Ellie and Susan have fallen back to Lucy ad I.

"Come on humans. While we're still young." Mr Beaver said.

"If he says to hurry up one more time. I'm going to turn him into a hat." I said annoyed.

That made everyone giggle. I crouched down to let Lucy on my back.

"He is getting bossy." Lucy said.

"It's her. Behind you!" Mr Beaver yelled to us.

We could now hear the sound of a sleigh on the snow. We all looked behind us to see the witch's sleigh. I put Lucy down, and Susan grabbed her hand. We all started running. I made sure everyone wasn't falling behind.

When we were almost to the forest line Ellie was behind everyone. I slowed down until she got closer to me. I grabbed her hand and started running with her. I pulled her because I didn't want anything to happen to her.

When we got to a little cave in the ground we went in. Ellie was right next to me. I blushed a little bit.

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I love how Peter cares about Ellie. Peter is still awkward around Ellie, but he won't let anything happen to her.

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