Chapter 10

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Ellie's POV

Peter turned and started down the hill. We followed because we didn't have much time. That's when we hear the howl of wolves.

We climbed down being careful of the edge. The ledge we were on was thin and we could hurt ourselves if we slipped. When we were off the ledge and on the snow we looked at the river breaking away. Peter stepped on the ice but quickly retracted his foot when the ice began to sink.

"Wait, maybe I should go first." Mr Beaver offered.

"Maybe you should." Peter said.

Mr Beaver stepped on the ice and walked across it patting some places with his tale.

You've been sneaking second helpings haven't you." Mrs Beaver scolded her husband.

"Well you never know when your last meals going to be your last. Especially with your cooking."

Then Mrs Beaver walked out on the ice followed by the rest of us. We all ere cautious of where we stepped because the ice was getting weaker. Lucy screamed when the ice underneath her cracked. She hung onto Peter and we all continued.

"If mum knew what we were doing." Susan said to her siblings.

"Mums not here." Peter said looking back at Susan.

We looked up when ice started to fall a little. We saw the wolves and Lucy said "Oh no".

"Run." Peter yelled.

We tried to get to the other side before the wolves, but they were to quick. We were surrounded. There were wolves on either side of us. We all huddled up together. Mr Beaver swatted his claws at the wolves in front of us, but one of the wolves pinned him down.

"No." Mrs Beaver said.

"Peter." Lucy yelled holding onto her brother.

That's when Peter pulled out his sword as he pushed us behind him. Maugrim walked forward.

"Put that down boy. Someone could get hurt." Maugrim said.

"Don't worry about me. Run him through!" Mr Beaver yelled.

"Leave now while you can, and your brother leaves with you."

"Stop it. Maybe we should listen to him." Susan yelled at Peter.

"Smart girl." Maugrim laughed.

"Don't listen to him. Kill him. Kill him now." Beaver yelled at Peter again.

"Ahh come on. This isn't your war. All my queen wants is to take your family and go."

"Look just because some man in a red coat hands you a sword doesn't make you a hero." Susan kept yelling at her brother. "Just drop it." Peter looked at Susan then back at the wolf.

"No Peter. Narnia needs ya. Kill him while you still have the chance." Beaver yelled.

"What's it gonna be, son of Adam."  Maugrim said while getting closer. "I won't wait forever. And neither will the river."

"Peter!" Lucy yelled after looking at the water fall.

We all looked at the waterfall to see it was breaking. Peter looked back at Maugrim and looked at the ice.

"Hold onto me!" Peter yelled and so we did.

I grabbed onto his arm. Then he held his sword in both hands over his head, and plunged his sword into the ice. Just then the ice broke and water washed over us. Us girls screamed as the water and ice pushed us away. The piece of ice we were on was being carried down the river.

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