Chapter 11

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Peter Pov

We went to our tents and mine has two hammocks, and clothes laid out on them. There was also a mirror. I changed into the clothes that was on the bed and put my sword back on and looked at myself in the mirror. I had on a blue tunic and a red leather-like shirt over it with black pants and black boots.

I finished in my tent, and I decided to go to a hill that overlooked the camp. I assume my sisters went off somewhere with Ellie. I didn't know how long I was standing there just looking off in the distance at a beautiful castle. After a while Aslan came up to me.

"That is Care Paravel. The castle of the five thrones. One of which you will sit Peter as high king." Aslan tole me.

I looked down at the ground. I didn't think I would be a good king. They need some one who can actually protect them. Not me.

"You doubt the prophecy." He guessed.

"No, that's just it Aslan. I'm not who you all think I am." I told him.

"Peter Pevensie, formerly of Finchley. Beaver also mentioned that you planned o turning him into a hat." He said. "Peter, there is a deep magic more powerful than any of us that rules over all of Narnia. It defends right from wrong d governs all our destinies. Your and mine."

"But I couldn't even protect my own family." I said.

"You've brought t safely this far." Aslan told me.

"Not all of them." I said.

"Peter, I will do what I can to help your brother but I need you to consider what I ask of you. I too want my family safe." Aslan said. "You need to tell her how you feel."

"I know but I just don't know what to do." I told him knowing exactly who he was talking about.

"You'll find out a way but teasing is not the right way to deal with your feelings for some one." He told me.

"I'll think of a way." I told him.

"Peter there is another prophecy that you need to know about. It states.

When the high king is crowned
He shall choose his queen
They shall rule over Narnia
And one day return home

I want you to think about this Peter. But you cannot tell anyone else about this. Things will get out of hand if someone knows."

We looked back to Care Paravel. Then we heard Susan's horn. I ran down to where I heard it. It was by the stream.

I got there and ran through it pulling out my sword pointing it at Maugrim. He was jumping trying to get to my sisters and Ellie. He turned to me and taunted me.

"Come on. We've already been through this before. We both know you haven't gotten it in you."

The other wolf that was there was circling me.

"Peter." Susan yelled. I turned pointing my sword at that wolf.

Aslan came with troops. He trapped the other wolf with his paw. We looked at him, but I quickly looked back at Maugrim.

"Now, stay your weapons. This is Peter's battle." Aslan said.

"You may think you're a king, but your going to die," he said getting ready to pounce. "Like a dog." He said as he jumped.

He jumped on me knocking me down. I heard the girls call my name. I was able to point my sword up in time.

My sword pierced his skin, and he died. He was still on me, until I felt him getting rolled off me. I sat up still in shock. Lucy and Susan pulled me into a hug. I looked at Ellie and saw that she looked relieved. Aslan let the wolf he had pinned go.

"After him he will lead you to Edmund."

The troops he brought with him went after the wolf. Aslan looked at us.

"Peter, clean your sword."

I pulled my sword out of Maugrim. I went to the stream and cleaned the blood off the blade of my sword. I came back over. I looked at the girls standing next to Aslan. I knelt down with the point of my blade on the ground. Aslan put his paw on my shoulder.

"Rise, sir Peter wolfsbane knight of Narnia." I stood up.

Me and the girls looked at each other. I couldn't believe this was happening. I looked back at Aslan and he looked proud of me. I put my sword back in the sheath.

I finally was able too see what the girls were wearing. Susan had on a green dress. Lucy had on a blueish-green dress. Ellie had on black boots, black trousers, a white tunic, and a red corset looking thing.

We went back to the camp. I was tired, so I went to my tent for a while. The girls went back to theirs.

Time Skip

After a few hours I walked out of my tent and saw Oreius. Oreius looked at me then at a hill. I looked at the hill I was on earlier. Aslan was talking to Edmund.

I'm happy he is back. I'm happy he is ok. The girls came out of there tent a couple minutes later. Lucy was gonna run up to them but I put my arm around her before she could. I shook my head at her.

"Edmund!" Lucy yelled.

They looked at us, then back at each other. Aslan said something to Edmund. Edmund nodded then they made their way down the hill and up to us. Ed had bruises on his face and a cut on his lip.

"What's done is done. There is no need to talk to Edmund about what has past."

Aslan walked away. Edmund looked at us then put his head down. Lucy went and hugged Edmund. Edmund instantly hugged her back. After Lucy let go Susan pulled him into a hug.

"Are you all right?" Susan asked.

"I'm a little tired." Ed said.

"Go get some sleep." I said gesturing to the tent.

He looked at me. Then he started walking to the tent. I stopped him though.

"Edmund....try not to wonder off."

I smiled at him and he returned it. His was a bit more of a smirk.

"It's good to have you back Edmund." Ellie said.

They smiled at each other. I could tell they were going to get along. I admired her smile.

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