Chapter 6

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Ellie's POV

Susan, Peter, and I all fell. But it wasn't the hard wood. It was snow, and it was cold. I turned around in awe looking at the forest in the wardrobe.

Ever since last night I've been thinking about Lucy and Narnia. I believed her. My grandfather has told me stories about Narnia. I just couldn't believe I was actually here. So I pinched myself to make sure this wasn't a dream.

"I'm sure it's just your imagination," Lucy said innocently.

"I don't suppose saying sorry would cut it," Peter now said. He didn't notice Lucy grab a handful of snow.

"No, it wouldn't," then she threw it at his face," but that might."

Then Peter grabbed some snow and threw it at Lucy. I was looking at a lamp post in the middle of the little clearing. It had a little candle inside it.

I wasn't in the snowball fight until I felt snow hit me in the face. Everyone was laughing at each other. I looked at where it came from and noticed Lucy threw it. That's when I got snow and threw it at her. It hit right where I wanted it to.

Just then Susan hit Edmund knocking him out of what he was looking at.

"Ow," he said.

"You little liar," Peter began, " apologize to Lucy."

"You didn't believe her either," he kept defending himself. He seems to do that a lot.

"Apologize, now." Peter demanded his brother.

"Alright," he then looked at Lucy," I'm sorry." He didn't mean it. Any one could tell.

"It's alright. Some little kids just don't know when to stop pretending," she said back to her brother. I didn't know what she meant by that.

"We should go," Susan piped up.

"Shouldn't we at least take a look around?" Edmand asked.

"I think Lucy should decide," Peter said looking at his little sister. It was cute.

"I'd like you all to meet Mr. Tumnus," she said excited.

"Mr. Tumnus it is," Peter said confirming it.

As Peter walked back into the wardrobe Susan said,"but we can't go in this," gesturing to her skirt and blouse.

"I'm sure the Professor wouldn't mind us borrowing these. And if you think about it logically, we aren't even taking them out of the wardrobe," Peter said handing everyone a fur coat.

When he handed me a coat our hands brushed against each other's. His hand was warm against the cold air.

As he was handing coat to his brother Edmund yelled,"But that's a girls coat!"

"I know," Peter said mater-of-factly.

When everyone got there coats on we started to walk. The snow was deep. When my feet sunk down into the snow I almost tripped a couple times. But when we got to a hill Peter ran down and jump into a a pile of snow. It made everyone laughed. I giggled.

Lucy was talking about her friend, but I wasn't listening. Then we got to a huge rock with an opening in it.

I was looking at everything around me. I looked back when Lucy gasped. There was a door hanging off it's hinges. Lucy ran in ignoring Peter's protests. That's when Peter ran in followed by Susan, Edmund, and I. Lucy was standing the on the verge of tears.

Everyone was looking around for a minute. There was stuff every where, and things were broke. Then Lucy was the first who spoke.

"Who would do something like this?" She questioned.

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