Chapyer 13

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Ellie's POV

"She has renounced her claim in the son of Adam's blood." Aslan announced. The crowed cheered.

"How do I know your promise will be kept." The witch asked Aslan.

Aslan roared and that made her side down frightened.The crowed cheered again but louder and we hugged Edmund. Jadis was carried away on her throne.  I turned to look at Aslan and saw the look he gave us. I'm sure Lucy saw it too.

Time Skip

Everyone was celebrating. There was dancing and a lot more fun. I was dancing with a faun when I saw Peter on the hill Edmund and Aslan were on earlier. I walked up there and saw the view. I walked up next to Peter.

"What are you doing up here all alone?" I asked.

"Just thinking."

"About what?"

"Nothing really." He paused, "I need to tell you something Ellie."

"What is it?" It became very serious very quick.

"I don't tease you because it's fun."

"Then why did you tease me all of those years? It's something I've always wondered because I never did anything to you."

"I teased you because it was easier than admitting my feelings for you, to anyone including myself."

I was at a loss for words. It was a normal thing for me. Mainly because I never new how to replay to anyone but my family. It was a shock to hear that Peter Pevensie actually liked me.

"It's okay if you don't like me or if you hate me. I just needed to finally tell you."

I was still in shock. I had no idea what to say to anything right now.

"I..... like you too. I was getting tired of the teasing but I always liked you."

I had to build up so much courage for me to admit my feelings for him to him. It was silent but not the awkward silence anymore. It was comfortable for once between us.

I could feel Peter looking at me. It was a little obvious, but he then held my hand. That is when I looked up at home. Considering he is like half a foot taller than me. We smiled and laughed at each other realizing how cheesy this must be.

All of a sudden he leaned down and kissed me. It took me a second to register what was happening but then I relaxed and kissed him back. I reached my hands so they were resting on the back of his neck.

We pulled back to catch our breath. He rested his forehead on mine. I was smiling because well my crush for many years just kissed me.

"Ellie... will you be my girlfriend?"

I only smiled even more, "Of course."

"Your adorable." He said.

"Why?" I was confused.

"Because. You can't stop smiling can't you?"

"Maybe." I said in a higher voice.

"That is exactly why. Come on sit with me."

We sat down looking at Care Paravel. Peter was leaning back on his hands while I just sat next to him. It was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.

I looked up at the sky. It was dark so that meant the stars were out. The first thing I saw was the constellation of Corona. It all made sense now. I looked down at my necklace. It was an exact replica of the constellation.

"What are you looking at?" Peter asked while looking at me.

"My necklace. It's the constellation of Corona. The constellation is out tonight."

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