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1st Person POV, Melodia

It all happened in a rush, not even my Nen could keep up.

One minute, I was playing in the backyard area of the Ancient Retreat under the indulgent yet watchful eye of Cogita, having just returned from my adventure in the Mystery Dungeon game, playing with my new friends I have made inside the confines of the game freed from the seal that kept them captive for who knows how long.

The next, a rift appeared in the air, causing alarm with Cogita as I was instantly sucked into it, my friends calling out to me in dismay as everything went black.

"So is this how I'm going to die... again?" I thought with acid, as my first death had made me a bit cynical, if not a bit sarcastic than someone my age. Not to mention my extremely dark sense of humor which only comes out when agitated or pushed far enough.

At least this time I lived long enough to see the age of thirteen, then sixteen, both ages a big milestone for a kid like myself.

Still doesn't erase the bitterness of being taken away from so many loved ones this time around. The first time I died, I had no one, leaving me alone. This time around, I had a family, even if we were not blood-related.

So when I opened my eyes, I was quite confused to see paper airplanes and pencils fly across my vision.

Is this what the afterlife is suppose to look like?

Before I could think on an answer, I felt a violent shove from behind, knocking me off balance.

"The hell?! How did I not sense someone coming up from behind?!" Whipping around, my heart dropped when I recognized the unpleasant face of the Bakugo Katsuki, the sole perpetrator of my death. My twin brother, Izuku, was hanging around behind him, lurking behind the mutt like the cowardly rat he truly is.

"Oh sweet Arceus, I'm in hell aren't I?" I thought with utter dismay, only to feel a flash of confusion when I realized something. "Why does it look like they are still five years old?" It was then that I realized as I took a glance at myself and realize with coldness that I while I may have not died, per se, I did get thrown back into the very place that caused me so much suffering and pain. On top of that, I'm no longer seventeen, but five years old again.

"Oh fuck berries..." I nearly cried in dismay, "I do NOT wanna go through puberty again...."

I was broken from my thoughts when I was shoved again, this time from the front. I landed on my ass, with me glaring at Bakugo, the offender, as I jumped back onto my feet and tried to activate my Nen to summon a Stayaway Wand from my inventory, only for nothing to happen. I then realized that since I have regressed in age, my Nen must have as well, as my nodes were unopened. Which meant I was in real big trouble right now.

I sprang away from a blow from Bakugo, which earned me a glare as I dodged. I didn't have to look to know the teacher in the room was turning a blind eye to the situation by reading a newspaper as all of this went down.

"How dare you dodge without my permission, you shitty pebble!" I merely glared at him, not even deigning him a response. This only served to piss him off some more, something I had once deemed impossible. He whipped around to look, or glare, at my twin brother. Izuku, while at first hesitated on ganging up on me, had gotten accustomed to making me his punching bag as well.

"Yo, Izuku! Get her!" Bakugo barked at him, making him jump slightly before hastily rushed at me, doing his bidding.

I glared at him as he clumsily charged at me; at one point earlier in life I had considered forgiving him for his actions against me. But now, after everything I have been through and experienced, even before discovering the beautiful power of Nen, I decided that he was not worthy of it, especially after Adaman and Volo educated me on what the definition of a true brother is. And suffice it to say, Izuku does not fit the bill. If he had actually defended me it would be a different story. But that is not the case here as he had chosen a corrupt power-obsessed society over his own blood.

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