A Natural Plan

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First Person POV Melodia

Timeskip Four Years

It has now have been about nine years since my re-damnation back into this accursed world. And a few years since I have joined the Ministry of Defense and began to work for them and the other international government agencies. This world still sucks, but I have developed a way to survive, especially as an uprising vigilante.

Though seeing Netero was a shock, but it wasn't necessarily a bad one. Though it did make me wonder if anyone else that have died in the other world somehow or another got sent here. I tried not to hope too much, especially on the chance that Pokkle and Ponzu could be here somewhere. Though that does worry me if any of the ones I have made enemies with and died later on in an encounter (sometimes by my own hand). Like Uvogin, for instance I had helped Kurapika take him out before he targeted Pakunoda to get to Chrollo and use his Chains on him... Another sickening thought is the idea of the Chimera Ants that have been slain ending up here, especially the ones such as the Royal Guard as I had bad blood with Neferpitou before Gon went after them because of Kite dying by their hand. If they show up here, then I'll be the one to give them the axe, Nen or not. Those bastards will be as troublesome as the LOV, the Meta-Liberation Army, Shie Hassakai, and the Creature Rejection Society all rolled into one.

But I'm getting way off track here....

The Ministry answered mostly to Netero as even before I wound up being sent back into this world he had made a mark on this world, even if he is hidden from the public eye. Which may explain why they accepted my explanation of Nen and how I'm able to do things most if not all heroes cannot. So when I'm not answering to Karasuma, I'm working under his orders, from assassination missions to reconaissance and espionage. And with him in my corner, I wasn't hurting on money, though I barely used it unless I either really wanted something or it was needed for something else.

In school, I'm still a lone wolf, but one with acutal good grades. Meema and Lil' Brother stuck by me, with Meema turning herself into a Pachirisu while Lil' Brother stayed the same as a Zorua as they hid in my school bag so they don't get found out by my family or teachers. The only good thing about repeating school (Cogita homeschooled me in between Aura training times) is that you know the material well enough to almost teach the class yourself. The teachers tried to jack my grades but with some well-placed and incriminating "evidence" submitted "anonymously" to the police courtesy of Meema Zoroark, that bullshit was stopped lest they have their jobs and reputations on the chopping block if it persisted. I also took online classes, as a failsafe plan (in case I decided to either drop out or get myself expelled from Aldera somehow or another) and I'm also smart enough to enter college at an early age thanks to a few placement exams. I just didn't want to go as I had better ways to kill time. I didn't make any friends (human ones, anyway), not that I really needed to, much less wanted to, especially given how nobody wants anything to do with my Quirkless self, and anyone who attempts to be my friend only either want something from me, or Bakugo and Izuku have chased them off with their Quirks.

At the Yagi house (I adamantly refused to call that horrid place home for obvious reasons), I pretty much locked myself, Meema Zoroark, and Lil Brother in my room twenty-four/seven. Nobody really noticed my lack of presence nor did anyone realize I had one (two counting Lil Brother) of the most vindictive creatures in Pokemon existence living under the same roof with them, which was both saddening (though I was numb to it, since I still had Cogita as an actual guardian figure along with Meema Zoroark) and very useful, meaning that they don't monitor my activities. Any chores that need to be done I just use my Nen to deal with them to save my energy, even if I still get beaten in the end whether I get them done right or not. I'm usually left alone in the house while they take Izuku out to fun places in and out of the city, leaving me with a list of chores to be done. They never call me down for dinner or any other family meals or gatherings, so we just go to my tent (which I have upgraded both from materials we "borrowed" from stores and with the help of my Nen) and spend most of the nights with my explorer guild Pokemon inside my tricked-out tent.

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