Confrontation x And x Departure

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First Person POV, Melodia

I stared out the window, ignoring the rambling of the teacher at the front, babbling about taking aptitude tests before he proceeded to throw them into the air.

I scoffed to myself as the other brats in my class began to use their Quirks, even though the teacher half-heartedly reminded them that it is illegal to do so.

"Didn't really stop Izuku and Bakugo from using them on me, did it?" I thought scathingly, wondering to myself how the hell either of them can even sleep at night knowing they could kill me with their constant bullying with their unauthorized Quirk usage. Maybe I should take a page out of Killua's book and go take their heads as the bounties on our parents are quite high, so imagine how much my brother can rake in from being related to the Number One hero and the Number ten heroine. As for Bakugo, while his parents aren't in the Pro Hero industry, I know some people in the black market that be interested in having his organs harvested, especially with an explosive Quirk like his. Think how much I could get with just selling his brain, or maybe his eyeballs could fetch a pretty penny....

I was interrupted from my thoughts when my desk was suddenly blow up, making me look up impassively at the enraged eyes of my blonde tormentor and the disapproving gaze of the greenette that I shamefully share DNA with.

"What?" I asked a bit peevishly, honestly not in the mood.

"Don't you dare even think of applying to UA, you Quirkless shit!" Bakugo snarled in my face.

"I'm not. So chill your tits." I responded impassively, crossing my leg over the other, my arms behind my head; the picture of ease despite the situation I'm in.

"So what are you going to do?" Izuku pressed, looking curious despite himself.

I gave him a side-eye before snorting in derision. "Like it matters to you. Not that it is any of your business." Because after the graduation ceremony I'm never coming back to that house. I've already got most of my stuff out of there (not that there was a whole lot to get as my best and valuable stuff is back at the castle, locked away in the grotto vault. No way was I gonna leave all that stuff lying around for those idiots to find.

My response seemed to tick them both off, before the teacher called them back to their seats, making them glare at me one more time before they complied.

I knew that they will be coming after me once classes let otu, but I was not worried. There hasn't been anything that they haven't done to me yet. I mean, they have already killed me once, so it doesn't get much worse than that.

Deciding not to linger around any longer, I decided to ditch the last class for the day, heading to my camp so I can check on my provisions so I can be ready to work tonight in the festival taking place in next city. I have to make our Galarian curries, Choice Dumplings, Twice-Spiced Radishes, Jubilife Muffins, Swap Snacks, grilled potato mochi, and other treats for the night. I have already called over some of my friends in the gang to help out as we have several stands to prepare for so we can rake in the cash we make from these. I also called in Anthe and her proteges Tsumugi Shirogane, a cosplayer aficionado and a great drink mixer (she used to work as a barista before I found her), and Junko Enoshima, a renowned supermodel and fashionista, so we can have some kimonos and yukatas ready for the festival. My other gang members are coming in to the mainland to enjoy the festivities on their night off. Some even offered to help when the others need it. They deserve a night off after all the work they have pulled, and as kids, they deserve to have fun.

My plans were met with a delay when Bakugo and Izuku got the drop on me just as I was packing my things away. I made sure my leatherbound journals were proofed against Quirks like Bakugo's and Izuku's; I even conjured some Keys laced with Nen so that only I can unlock them and had the writings inside them be unreadable to them (Not that they could read them anyway, as I have written these in Galarian, Kalosian, Sinnohan/Hisuian, Unovan, Kantonese, Alolan, and other languages from each Region I went to).

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