Months Later with the Yagis

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First Person POV, Izuku

It has been awhile since Kacchan and I've last seen my twin sister. Ever since we were little when she was deemed Quirkless, Kacchan and I came up with an idea to keep her safe from becoming a hero. You can't be a hero without a Quirk after all, Dad had told me so. But I know how Izumi is stubborn, so Kacchan suggested we hurt her with our Quirks so we can make her fear them so she won't try to become a hero. I didn't want to at first, but Kacchan claimed it was for her own good and talking to her does nothing as she never responds to either of us. So we had to use physical force.

Nowadays, she doesn't respond to any of it. We punch, kick, and even threw rocks at her, but still nothing. She also disappears off and on, not appearing at the house for weeks on end. Kacchan and I haven't seen her for six months now. I've been training with Dad to receive One For All while Kacchan got himself ready to attend the entrance exams at UA. We plan to aim for the Hero Course naturally. The only question is, what will Nee-chan be doing? She said that she won't be going, but could she be lying? Even if she is or not, what does she plan to do? No matter how much I try to find out, I don't have a single clue to what she is intending to do after middle school graduation.

Kacchan was getting increasingly frustrated; both at the lack of information and the lack of response from Izumi. I know he has a crush on her, but she had shown no signs of returning her feelings. Which could be bad news for her as Mom and Dad want to have her in an arranged marriage with him. If she doesn't marry him, then he won't become my brother-in-law. So I hope she hurries up and accepts him. He really does care about her. Even if she doesn't see it now she will. Surely she'll see all that we did was to keep her safe, and she'll forgive us. I have no doubt she will forgive us.

It had been six months since our graduation, and, oddly enough, I haven't seen her since then. I think Kacchan and I might have went too far when we confronted her back in school that day. I was shocked at what I and Kacchan said to her. I mean, we only wanted her to be safe, since being a Quirkless hero is not only impossible, but very dangerous. But I said some very bad things. So did Kacchan.... and Mom and Dad haven't really been asking for her to join us in family events. They think she is in her room all the time, even nobody really checks her room to confirm; we just assume she stays there.

But now she hasn't made an appearance for over six months. I haven't had a good look at her since we were around ten years old, I think. We started bullying her when we turned five, and I think that was when she began to ignore us, and no matter what we did to her, she just won't respond. She even cut ties with everyone of us, and she's hardly seen around the house. Which is probably how Mom and Dad forgot she existed.

Kacchan and I have been asking around town, but nobody has seen her. We even tried checking out the parks and public areas she liked to frequent, but no dice. This was beginning to worry me and Kacchan. What if she was kidnapped? Or worse, killed?!

I checked her room when I got home. My eyes widen at the bare room. The only sign there was any sort of life were the dark red spatters on the carpet. Only a ratty towel was on the floor, along with a mattress that looked like it was dragged out of the dump was on the floor. Walking inside, the air smelled stale and rusty, like blood. Gulping, I investigated the room, hoping for a clue. My foot brushed against something that crinkled, making me look down. There was a folded piece of paper. I picked it up, before I unfolded it, reading the contents. I felt the blood drain from my face as read it all the way to the end.

Oh no.....

Now there is no other way around this...

I quickly hid the note; if anyone finds out it could mean my and Kacchan's futures as heroes being put on the chopping block, not to mention Mom and Dad will be in trouble with everyone, and that won't look good for us, especially if we get barred from entering UA.

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