Meddling Students & Hero Teachers Are The Worst

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First Person POV, Melodia

"You bitch!" I rolled my eyes in exasperation as Bakago launched himself at me. Eri squeaked in terror, making my blood boil as the rabid mutt scared one of my children.

"Zinnia." I spoke only her name before she launched herself at him, knocking him back and into the far wall.

"Thank you, love," I thanked her, making her grin at me cheekily, as she haven't even broken a sweat.

"We got off on the wrong foot," I rolled my eyes at the blue-haired pompous shithead. "We should all introduce ourselves, our hobbies and Quirks!"

"Oh great, here we go...." I thought sarcastically.

"Yeah, I don't care." I decided to put a halt to this nonsense. "I already know who you are, and your Quirks. I have your files memorized after all, especially as a teacher here. So you are only wasting time."

"Can we at least know you?" A chick with a bowl-cut proposed. She looks way too soft to be here if you ask me.

I sighed. "My name is Melodia and I like and dislike stuff that I really don't care to explain to any of you as it is none of your business."

"What's your Quirk?"

"Quirkless." I watched with silent glee as everyone became blue with shock.

"Then why are you teaching here?!" Iida barked doing that annoying karate chop motion. "Only a teacher with a Quirk can teach here!"

"Too bad, because my boss from the government sent me here to complete an assignment so you will have to suck it up, bitch!" I snapped back. "Got a problem with it, talk to Nedzu. To be honest, if it weren't for what I'm getting paid for in return for doing this shit show, I wouldn't have bothered with dealing with you entitled brats. I rather leave you lot to rot on your own."

"There is no reason to ask!" Iida barked, making my girls around me tense and look ready to pounce on him. "You can't be Quirkless and work here! You have to be strong!"

"Then what about me then?" Kyoko spoke up. "I'm Quirkless yet I have scored near the top of the entrance exams." I had the pleasure of seeing Iida gape like a fish on land. Kyoko was not done, however.  "And if I recall correctly, when that Zero pointer showed up, you only ran off with your tail between your legs while there were others in danger. What would your brother say if he caught wind that his heroic little brother only thought of himself rather than saving others' lives like he is supposed to?"

"I-- I just--- That is----!" Iida began to sputter like a fool, trying to cover himself while a select few of his fellow classmates glared at him in disapproval for his actions. Especially the ones who were in danger that day when the Zero-pointer went on a rampage.

"And besides why do you care so much?" Zinnia added with snark in her voice.

"Yeah," Clover chimed in, her own displeasure making itself known. "You aren't the head of UA, so who gave you the gall to go around telling people what they can or can't do?"

The girls were rightfully angry at the way Iida was trying to talk down to me; I looked to see if the kids were okay. Eri was shaking worse than a leaf, and the other kids, namely Monaca, Daimon, Jataro, Kotoko, and Nagisa, were also fazed despite the tough posturing. Lian, Mitsuru, and Sabi looked ready to fight, though Mitsuru was a bit more nervous.

I heard Bakugo grunt as I turned to see Izuku had come to help him out of the wall he was punted into. Izuku and Bakugo then glared at me, making the kids shrink back in fear.

"It's okay, kids," I told them in a soothing tone, "they won't touch you..."

"Who says we won't?" Bakugo challenged, grinning ferally.

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