Battle Test Fiasco

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Note: I'll be using the girls' Japanese variation names (mainly Coin, Charm, Clover, and Zinnia) from this point on, or at least when Melodia and the girls are is alone with each other. I'm also too lazy to edit it in so....

Also Kyoko has a codename now so there you go!

"Zinnia"- Higana

"Charm"- Omatsu

"Coin"- Oume

"Clover"- Otake

"Lilac"- Kyoko

3rd Person POV

"Melodia...." Blue eyes opened slowly to see a silhouette of sorts standing in front of her. Several figures stood behind them; Melodia quickly counted them to be about six standing behind the one in front of her

A hand was offered towards her.

"Worthy..." the shadow's words have become choppy, making Melodia strain to hear and decipher what they were saying. "One...For All... Eighth.. Ninth... Not worthy..."


Before Melodia could call out to them to ask what they were talking about, she found herself being pulled back, while the shadow was forced into the darkness, dragging the other silhouettes with them.

POV Change, 1st Person Melodia


My eyes have wrenched themselves open as I suddenly sat up in the bed, panting. I touched my forehead feeling a light coat of sweat. Great...

Charm, along with Coin, Clover, Zinnia, and Kyoko stared at me with worry.

"Are you okay, cub?" Charm asked.

I sighed. "Ugghhh..." I covered my face. "That damn dream again....."

Zinnia looked concerned. "We really should talk to Cogita-sama...."

I shook my head. "I still say no."

Charm gave me a reprimanding look. "This is starting to take a toll on you. We can all tell."

Clover added her input. "And it is a matter of time before those UA bozos pick up on something."

I chuffed at her. "Fat chance. The day those idiots open their eyes see what is actually in front of them is the day Volo stops slacking off from work."

"Might wanna put your Poken where your mouth is, little sis."

We all turned to see Volo at the doorway.

"Aniki!" I spoke in a shocked tone, especially as he was wearing his Gingko Guild uniform.

"Hey there, baby sis," He walked over to ruffle my already messy hair. "What's this I'm hearing about having trouble resting at night?" His face morphed into concern. "Is it those nightmares again from when you were a kid?"

I felt myself flush in slight embarrassment at the mention; he meant no harm as those particular ones always made me wake up crying which made both Cogita and Volo come and check on me, which resulted in me being held by one of them until I have calmed down.

"No," I answered honestly, getting the others' attention. "It's something... different this time..."

He frowned. "Can you give me a description?"

I looked down. "I'm afraid not. It's a bit muddled.... especially now...."

He nodded. "We should get Mistress Cogita to examine this. In the meantime, let's get you girls some breakfast before the day starts! And besides Kyoko has to leave early to get to her class."

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