Who I want to be when I am shifted

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If you are new to the whole world of shifting, hello, I just learned about this today, June 5th of 2022. But when you shift you can be a whole other person. You can look different, talk different, and act different. I ain't going into the specifics of this, if you want to learn more, you can read about it and watch videos about it. (I recommend watching Kristeau's video titled "How to shift realities 101". She explains the whole thing well)

Now onto telling who I am shifting as

Name: Asteria Michelle TayQuil 

Nicknames: Ria (called this by my mother and Cedric). Aster (Fred and George will call me this). RiRi (Fred and George will call me this when we are joking around and they are teasing me). I won't script any more nicknames, I want the character to give me more nicknames, especially Cedric.

Age: 16 and 4 months at the start of the first term

Born: May 17th, 1978. I was born in a hospital in the city of Bath in the UK

Gender: female

Sexual orientation: bisexual and asexual

Nationality: British/English (I don't know what one is used or if one is more popular than the other). So this means I will have a British accent and will speak like them

Ethnicity: Mixed. 

My family 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧: I have an older sister who is also a witch. Her house is Ravenclaw. I also have a younger sister who we assume can't do magic because she isn't showing any signs, but we still love her anyways. My mother is a muggle who sends me and my sister letters each week using my father's owl. My father is a wizard and was in Gryffindor like me. My grandmother lives with us after my grandfather passed away from cancer two years ago. I don't see my mother's parents too often because they live in Germany. 

Sister: my older sister's name is Raye MacKenzie TayQuil. She is in Ravenclaw and is extremely smart. She excels in all of her classes and received top marks on her O.W.L.s. Her looks: she is 5'7" and has wavy light brown hair and steely blue eyes. How she treats me: when she sees me in the halls, she will smile and wave at me, and sometimes she will pull me off to the side and tell me some gossip or a crazy thing that happened to her. She will listen to me talk about my boyfriend and the amazing things he does.


Face shape: oval

Nose: delicate nose and a nostril piercing

Freckles: a lot on nose, some on cheek bones, a few on chin

Beauty marks/birthmarks: a beauty mark on the corner of my lip on the right side. I still have my birthmark on my left arm

Lips: oval shape, perfectly proportioned

Eyebrow shape: arched 

Body shape: lollipop

Chest: flat

Skin color: light tan with a golden undertone

Hair color: chestnut brown

Hair type: thin, wavy

Hair length: bra strap length

Eye color: grey

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 112 pounds

Personality: Outgoing, Extroverted, caring, joker, enthusiastic, type C personality, ADHD (it will add a lot to my personality), loyal, brave, daring, not much temper, lover not a fighter, but I will fight for the people I love

Medical problems: the ankle that I got caught on rocks when I was younger got sprained and it still hurts from time to time so I have to put a brace on it. Pollen allergy. Walnut allergy

Disorders: ADHD and PTSD 

Fears: The dark, Claustrophobia, Needles, Bodies of water

Pets: Long eared owl named Dusty. A Pygmy Puff with purple fur given to me by Fred and George on my 16th birthday. I names her Blueberry 

Clothes style: grunge. Always wears a thin silver chain that my Grandfather gifted to me before he died

Interests: Pranking, baking, Cooking, Running, history

Hogwarts House: Gryffindor

Favorite classes: potions (doesn't like Snape very much though), history of Magic, herbology, Charms (I was able to get a hang of the spells easily which made me like the class)

Least favorite classes: Transfiguration (I was never the greatest in my first year), Defense against the dark arts

Favorite wizarding world treats: Pumpkin Pasties, Butterbeer, Liquorice wands, Sugar quills, Cauldron cakes, Fizzing Whizbees

Habits: Picking at nails and cuticles, Playing with ends of hair

PTSD: played and swam in a river with friends when I was younger. I got my foot caught on some rocks in a deep area and was pulled under. Eventually we were able to get my foot unstuck but now I am afraid of bodies of water, mostly rivers

Wand: 13 ½ inches, Apple wood, Phoenix core

Friends: Luna Lovegood, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Cedric Diggory, Hermione Granger, Ginny Weasley

Boyfriend: Cedric Diggory

Favorite hair styles: High pigtail bubble braids, High messy bun, Two french braids

Favorite makeup style: natural brown eyeshadow, Brown mascara, thick winged eyeliner, Highlighter on nose, cupid's bow, and cheek bones

Quidditch place: chaser

Year at Hogwarts: 6th year

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