Why am I even trying with titles anymore

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Sorry I have been gone for a while, but, I was reprogramming my mind for the past 4 days so it would be easier to shift. I did that and I didn't try to shift for 4 days.

So today was my last day and I decided I would try to shift. I did the ADHD method because that is my favorite method so far (also guys, you don't need a method at all, you just need a strong intention backed by your body, mind, and soul. A method just helps focus your energy).

So around 50 my hands and legs became numb and all tingly. At 60, something new happened, the whole right side of my face became numb, like I was laying on something for a long time. Soon after my whole body became numb. My mind kind of felt like it was going to leave but kept getting pulled back into my body. 

I did the whole make yourself aware that you are in a bed in your DR and saying I am affirmations. I felt really close.

Then my neighbor started to mow their lawn and it broke my concentration...😑✌

I felt so close too 😫

God it makes me upset. But I know that I will be able to shift soon, and so will you—don't ever forget that!


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