I tried the Raven method

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Just a few hours ago I was in the car, driving home from dance photos. My studio is about 45 minutes away from my house and the rides there and back always make me sleepy. 

I decided to try out the Raven method because that seems like the easiest one for me because I can't picture things in my head. 

I closed my eyes and tried to focus. Then I started to count to 100 and every 5 counts, I said positive affirmations like: I am shifting, I am shifting to Hogwarts, shifting is easy, and I will be in Hogwarts. By 70 my heart started to race even though I was calm. My mom was playing music and that started to seem like it got farther away. It was very cloudy out and it was sprinkling a little bit, so it wasn't too bright out. But even though my eyes were closed, everything started to turn bright.

Even though I could've tried more to shift, I didn't want to because my script isn't finished. So I opened my eyes.

I want to try again tonight, but I'm not so sure. I have school tomorrow and have to finish final projects and study for my finals. I trust my clone, but I also don't because if my clone acts like me, it means it procrastinates. A lot. Also my script isn't finished. It's not going to be super detailed, just I want to finish putting in the big points into my script. 

Anyone trying to shift, I believe you can do it!

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