I tried to shift last night

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So I decided to try to shift last night. Even though my script was half finished, I decided this would be good practice for me.

I tried the Raven Method because that one seems the easiest (I might try the Julia Method also). 

I waited for my brother to go to bed because he is loud and I didn't want that to disturb me while I tried to shift. I turned on some fairy lights in my room so I would've be in total darkness. Yes, I am afraid of the dark. Don't judge me, it's not a childish fear.

I meditate ten minutes before I actually tried to shift and I kind of did it while in the starfish position. I laid down in the starfish position and focused on my breath, just to calm me down and get me focused.

I tried a total of 3 times, but for each of them I didn't make it to 100, and I will tell you why. 

First time. I was counting and I messed up the counting. I felt all floaty during the whole thing, and when I realized I counted wrong, the floatyness was gone.

Second time. I was on a lower count than the first time. I was around the 40's when my mom walked into the laundry room (which is right by my room) and opened and closed the dryer. Again,  I felt the symptoms.

Third time. I actually got up pretty far, into the 80's. The whole time I felt symptoms. My arms felt all tingling and felt not there. My head started to spin a little in the 20's. My back felt all tingling. The arms seriously felt fake and like they weren't there and I couldn't move them. I'm wondering if that is my body starting to sleep and my mind leaving that body. 

The whole time, I ignored the burning feeling to move. I have ADHD so it is hard for me to sit still. I couldn't even make it to the 20's without wanting to move. But for the third time, the feeling started to go away when I got into the 60's, so I felt calmer. But in the 80's my fingers and arms started to twitch. And when my finger twitched a lot, I felt the floaty feeling leave me and all the symptoms I was having disappeared.

Edit: I forgot to put in that I was going to try a fourth time. I decided to take a break for about 5 minutes and close my eyes to get more tired. But I lost track of time and I fell asleep. When I woke up it was 4:30 and I realized I fell asleep. Instead of getting mad, I was shocked. I never fell asleep in 45 minutes before, usually it takes me like 2 hours. I was also thinking of trying to shift this morning, but I have school and I'm not sure if I trust my clone yet. If they are like me that means they procrastinate, and I have stuff to do, so I'm just going to do it myself and wait to shift.

I won't give up! I think it is possible for me to shift because this was my first time and I felt really close to shifting, if I made it to 100 maybe I would've shifted. When I try shifting the next time, I'm going to listen to 8D sounds. It will help my brain focus on that so I can not be focused on moving.

Well, wish me luck! And if you are trying to shift, I believe in you, you can do it!

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