About Me

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I just realized that you guys don't really know about me. Of course I'm not going to tell you my name and very personal things, but I just want y'all to know about me.

Hi, I'm a mental trainwreck who likes to write.

Like it says in the description on my profile, I'm a Hufflepuff. It's actually funny, my brother, my mom, my dad, and I did the house test on Pottermore a few years ago, and they all got Gryffindor and I'm just over here like, I got Hufflepuff ✌. I took the test again and I still am a Hufflepuff. 

It's funny because when I was younger, I kind of had the soft girl style because that is what my mom forced me to wear. But now, you don't look at me at say, oh yeah, she's a Hufflepuff. I have a grunge style so people don't think I have a nice Hufflepuff heart.

My best friend is a Slytherin and we radiate chaotic energy. 💛🖤💛🖤💚🖤💚🖤

My patronus is a mink. My want is cypress wood, has a Phoenix tail feather core, 13 1/4 inches, and surprisingly swishy.

When I went to Universal Studios, I got Hermione's wand. I tried Butterbeer and my dad and I were the only ones who liked it (we both like butterscotch). I FREAKING LOVE Pumpkin Pasties. They are so goddamn good. Also I got a pink Pygmy Puff that I named Bliss.

I've always loved reading and I started reading from a young age. When I was in Kindergarten, during the second trimester, my teacher told my parents I was already 3 levels ahead of the reading level we were supposed to have at the END of the year. And now when I read fantasy books that are over 700 pages people are like, wow, that must be hard for you, and I'm like, no, I could finish this in 2 days if I want to.

I like to do dance. I do ballet, contemporary, and acro. I don't like to do ballet, but my dance studio requires it if you want to do contemporary. I've done dance since I was 5 or 6 and I really like it. 

I'm a vegetarian and an environmentalist and a person who cares for animal rights.

My mom is into the spiritual stuff and she passed that onto me. That is why I believe in the healing properties of crystals and other spiritual things. 

My favorite bands are Nirvana, The Foo Fighters, and The Smashing Pumpkins. I know they are common bands, but I really like their music.

I'm in band and I play the trumpet. I also do marching band.

I play softball and I want to start running more.

I want to become a writer and have 7 ideas about origional books. (I'm not going to talk about them here)

I'm Pan, Asexual, and Demiromantic. I use she/them pronouns. My friends and I actively show that we are part of the LGBTQIA+ community and like to piss off the homophobes in our school. It's funny.

I like to draw.

I play Dungeons and Dragons. It's really fun and my group is very chaotic, but it is funny.

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