Rules and Script for Twilight DR

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Lol, long script


When I shift successfully, I will smell lemons

Two days in my Desired Reality is equal to 1 hour in my Current Reality

When I leave my Desired Reality, no time will pass until I return

My safe phrase is: Resume doll

When I shift, I will remember my safe phrase and I cannot say it by accent while in my Desired Reality

When I say my safe phrase, no one will hear me say it, even if I scream it out in front of everyone

When I shift, I will not remember the plot of Twilight or that the Cullens and Hales are vampires. I will have to figure out that the Cullens and Hales are vampires on my own

I remember everything from my Desired Reality life before I shifted.

I move to Forks in November and Bella Swan will have already been living there for 2 months

I will have biology with Edward and Bella's class and I will have to sit at their table because there are no more empty seats

It will be an 90 percent chance that Edward falls in love with me instead of Bella (this is not a love triangle, it's just that he might fall in love with bella or me)

If Edward falls in love with me, our relationship won't be so codependent

If Edward falls in love with me, this will be the ring he proposes with (it will still be his mother's, and it will look older) (I'm sorry, I just didn't like how the ring looked in the movie 😭)

If Edward falls in love with me, this will be the ring he proposes with (it will still be his mother's, and it will look older) (I'm sorry, I just didn't like how the ring looked in the movie 😭)

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Edward will be able to read my mind sometimes, when he tries to read it the times when it doesn't work, it will be like a mental wall he runs into

Edward doesn't do creepy things like climbing through windows and watching people sleep

Edward won't be as controlling and possessive as he was with Bella in the books/movies

Jacob isn't as possessive and toxic as he was in the books and movies, he's a lot better

Bella has a better personality and isn't a damsel in distress all the time. She is a stronger person and isn't reliant on men all the time.

All the guys in town don't fall in love with Bella

Jacob and Bella will fall in love. Their relationship won't be toxic and possessive.

Jessica and Mike don't get together

There is a mall in Forks, a good mall

The library in Forks has good books and there is also a good bookstore

My Desired Reality takes place in the time period that Twilight does

I can't die and my friends and family can't die of something really bad, only old age

My clone will act like I normally do when I am in my Desired Reality

Jasper was never a Confederate soldier

There is no homophobia, transphobia, and racism

There is more representation of people of color and people from the LGBTQIA+ community

Everything looks very real (the wolves, the sparkling skin of the vampires, the vampire super speed)

Everything has the blue tint like the movies, but it doesn't look weird and it doesn't wash out people of color and people with darker skin tones

Imprinting isn't creepy and no one imprints on anyone 5 years younger than them

My Desired Reality will follow the books, not the movies

Edward will look like he does in the Twilight movie and Breaking Dawn part 1 and 2, only those 2 movies

We don't have to take 4 years of P.E. at Forks High School, and they let me transfer my P.E. credits

I have a high pain tolerance

I don't have any unwanted hair, I.E. leg hair, underarm hair, hair on stomach and back, peach fuzz on face, and moustache hairs

I don't have my period in my Desired Reality

If I experience any trauma in my Desired Reality, I can't bring it back to my Current Reality

These songs existed: Thousand Years by Christina Perri (both versions, the regular one and the one that was in Twilight), Sad Song by We The Kings, A Sky Full of Stars by Coldplay, 7 Years by Lukas Graham, Home by Tom Rosenthal, Fat Funny Friend by Maddie Zahm, What a Time by Julia Michaels, and Arcade by Duncan Laurence. I will know how to play all of these on the piano and guitar

When I shift back to my Current Reality, I will remember what happened in my Desired Reality

When I go to bed in my Desired Reality I will not shift back to my Current Reality 


My family moved to Forks on November 6th, 2004. We moved there because my dad wanted to move to another hospital and my mom wanted to live in a small town again and somewhere with a lot of greenery.

My family makes a lot of income because my mom is a famous author with over 15 books and millions of each book sold. My dad is a higher position doctor, so he makes more money.

We lived in a small town in Michigan before moving to Forks. My mom liked the homey feel, but wanted to live in a smaller town.

When I shift, I will wake up on November 7th, 2004, the day before we start school. I won't have to unpack much because we unpacked a lot the day before.

I will let my Desired Reality play out by itself and not script everything.

Yes I am changing Bellas personality, she really needs it don't you think :) ?

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