I'm going to try to shift again tonight

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I finished my script. I added a few more things and a few more rules before I added the events I wanted to take place. I made those events a little vague because I want them to play out by themselves and not just rigid and like how I exactly written it. I want some adventure.

I will add in my finished script tomorrow, but I'm going to try to shift again tonight. I have two finals for classes tomorrow and I really want to shift.

I'm going to try to visualize Hogwarts, but I have trouble visualizing things, but I will still try. I will try to remember the sounds of Hogwarts in the movies, and hope that will bring me closer to my Desired Reality.

I'm going to try the Raven Method again tonight. I'm not going to listen to subliminals or 8D music. I will meditate before and give positive affirmations during and before while I am meditating.

I really hope I can shift. I felt really close last night.

If you guys are trying to shift, you can do it!

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