can't even (ash) 24

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:3 so what. I don't care. I love you all, my sweetest pees out of all the pods :)




We had just been informed over breakfast that we were given the weekend off for no reason at all.
Pretty cool.

I can chill with my friends. Something I had barely any time to do casually, due to all the team building exercises and activities.

I can actually just chill.

Though the fact would be, cal and Luke would be doing the frick frack right now, so as the good guy I am, i was keeping a look out and guarding the door from potential rule enforcement.
Zayn was just over taking to me, but left to go for a swim and then a work out. He wanted me to come but I ha to fulfill my duty as the Frick frack guard.

So now I was frankly alone with my thoughts.

These past few weeks had been good, despite the absence of my other best mate Mikey... But I had gotten to know a few of the other happy campers, so I wasn't exactly alone. And I had cal and Luke for company.

I am closer to them than ny other person I have ever met in my life.
I was closer to them than my friend Lou from back home, the one who initiated me getting sent here.

So quite frankly I was happy. Content.

Quite an improvent as to what I was only three weeks ago. Were I was miserable and depressed. Isolated from the community beacsue being gay was a disease. I had one friend.

Now I have many. Three best friends and lots more who actually care.
No take friends who just want a quick bj, or people who use me to be curious.

People who genuinely care.

I've gone soft.

If you want to go by stereotypes you would say I was gay. Or a girl.

I'm not a girl so don't judge me. I ain't denying that I am as gay as the heavens above (that's hella gay)

I grinned to myself.
Finally after what seemed like hours, cal and Luke opened the door, allowing me to come back in and make lunch.
I'm good at making lunch.

So the room smelt like a mix of man
(which it always did)
and sweat
(which it also always did, so why am I even complaining? Oh that's right)
also it smelled like sex.

You would know what sex smelled like if a) you'd had sex yourself or
b) your mates are always having sex in your cabin

Sadly for me, it was option b.

I signed deeply whilst looking at the mess of rubbish and disgarded clothing on the floor
(only 25% of that was mine!)
I averted my eyes away from the bin in which I knew held undesirable objects, and made my way to the surprisingly clean kitchen.

"What should I make for lunch" I asked they guys

They pondered for a moment, taking a break to wipe some residual sweat off their foreheads. I gave them the look.
"What?" Cal asked, innocently
I gave him the look even harder and he blushed

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