chapter 4

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Destiny pov*

I woke up from my nap feeling better and understanding that I was really pregnant i went down stairs to see sam, jc, and kian all laying everywhere it smelled like alcohol like they had been drinking i looked in the trash and there was so many beer cans and shoot glasses in the sink i shook kian "hey kian" i whispered he poped up really fast " missed last today" he said rubbing his head and eyes i went upstairs and got three aspirins and gave kian one with a cold bottle of water "here take this this should help your little hang over" i said giggling "hey congratulations" he said taking the pill "thanks" he Layed back and I sat next to him "are you excited or" kian said "yeah well a little I'm actually really nervous about becoming a mom" i said looking at my feet "well I'm going to try to wake them up so you guys can go home and get sleep" i said getting up and going over to jc "hey jc" i whispered i had to shake him hard to wake him up "hey" he said finely getting up really slowly "hey take this" i said handing him one of the pills and a bottle of cold water "thanks" he said taking it and Laying back and rubbing his head " i will take you guys guys came in Kians car right" i said to them sam was still asleep "yeah but your pregnant and you should stay home with sam" kian said "no I'm not letting you drive your selfs home half drunk" i said getting my shoes on "and plus I'm only a few days pregnant" i got my keys and kian and jc were getting there stuff together my hair didn't look to wild it was in a messy bun so i didn't care i drove them home and drove back when I got back sam was still asleep on the couch i walked over to him and sat next to his head "hey sam baby" i whispered messing with his hair he woke up "hey babe I'm so sorry for the mess I'll clean it up" he said trying to get up "no sam sit I'll clean it it's fine" i said pushing him back down i grabbed the asprine i sat on the table and i grabbed a bottle of water for sam i went over to him Had gave it to him he took it "thanks babe" he said yawning "ok come on you need sleep" i said to sam i took him upstairs and he brushed his teeth and changed into his boxers and Layed down i kissed him and said goodnight "I'll be in in a little bit goodnight babe" i said walking out and turning off the light "goodnight i love you" he said going to sleep "i love you too" i said shuting the door i went down stairs and picked up all the cans and through them away and did the dishes i was done so i went up stairs and changed into my booty shorts and and a tanktop i looked into my bodie mirror I'm my bathroom i am can feel my stomach getting hard i brushed my teeth and went to my bedroom to find a sleeping sam i went over to my side of of the bed and got in as soon as i was did sam got close to me in wraped my self around him our legs were spyrolled together and my head was I'm his chest he put his arm under me and his other above me then I drifted to sleep

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