chapter 26

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*Whole thing in sams pov*

I felt destiny tap me "oh my god the baby the baby's coming" she is gripping on to me so hard it hurts I run and grab my pants and put them on "oh my god oh my god" I lift up the blankets and there was so much blood "oh my god"

I was so scared I grabbed destiny and ran to the car I put her in the passenger seat and ran back in and grabbed the bag for the hospital.

When I came back kian, jc, and Bricker were in the back. We got to the hospital but the ride there was painful for destiny she was screaming and couldn't wear her seatbelt I ran out of the car and went to the otherside and picked destiny up We all ran into the hospital "SOMEBODY HELP THE BABY IS COMING" the nurses all come rushing at her with a gurney "there was so much blood" I say to the nurse almost crying.

Kian and them had to go wait in the waiting room. we went back to the ER room but they wouldn't let me in "SHES HAVING MY FUCKING KID AND YOU WONT LET ME IN" I yell at the nurse "sir I need you to calm down and wait out here" I walk over to the wall and slide down it with my back all I could hear was Destiny's screams and then all of the sudden they stopped.

A couple minutes later the nurse comes out with blood all over her hands.

I stood up so fast tears started to roll down my cheeks. "Mr. Pottorff I'm so sorry we did everything we could... but both destiny and the baby didn't make it"

I looked over her shoulder into the door was and seeing destiny's lifeless body and he doctor putting my little baby boy into a little box.

I couldn't even think i just started to scream and cry and then..........

I woke up

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2018 ⏰

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