Chapter 21

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Destiny's pov*

Today I went to the mall and I was just alone shopping and I seen a few of sam's fans there they walked past me and called me a slut then later on that day one asked me for a picture and she said that there is a roomer going around that Sam is cheating on me I was so confused so I just left the mall I sat in my car for a while and wanted to cry I just turned on the radio and listened to music I cleared my mind before I did something crazy cuz I wanted to walk in the house and take his phone and through it at the wall and take my ring off and through that at him and hope he choked on it.

I finely drove home and Sam was there we put everything up and he asked me what was wrong I looked up at him "tell the truth..." He looked concerned "are you cheating on me" I asked about to cry his face changed real quick "what no... Destiny why would I do that we are about to have a little boy together"
"I don't know maybe I'm to gross for you or you have been with me for so long that You don't want me" I said sitting down on the bed "I asked you to Marry me and who the fuck told you that I was cheating on you" Sam said
"I heard your fans talking about it today along with some of them calling me a slut" I was about to cry " Sam just tell me have you ever cheated on me" when I asked that I started to cry a few tears dropped Sam didn't answer me and I was worried of what he was going to say. He looked at me and got down on his knees to get to my level.

"Baby girl you're mine and I'm yours we are having a kid together and I love, I promise I am not cheating on you" I smiled while my tears were coming out like a waterfall I hugged him and he wiped my tears "I love you so much" kissing him again he said it back a I changed into something comfortable while Sam walked down stairs I changed into some shorts and a gray shirt that had the green alien emoji on the pocket.

I walked down stairs and Sam was in the kitchen "I'm attempting to cook so what do you want chief pottorff to cook for you this fine evening" Sam said
With a smile "ok cheese ball" I said laughing "but Um pasta" he shock his head yes "ok i can do that" he said winking at me and went to cooking we had a speaker in the living room so I plugged my phone up on it then put on Spotify 'came to do' came on  by chris brown and I went in the kitchen and started to lipsync to him he just laughed then we just listened to music while he was cooking.

When he was down I turned the music off and we ate at the bar in the kitchen and just talked. When we were done we went into the living room and cuddled up together and turned on movie on Netflix and fell asleep together.

Heyyy guys sorry it took forever❤️

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