Chapter 1

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I am sorry for all of the grammar mistakes! Please enjoy and comment if you have any ideas and if you want me to keep going!

Bays pov:

I can't believe he would do this to me after all the time we have been together and all the things we have been through. I loved him, I flew all the way from Kansas City to L.A just to see him an he broke up with me! I feel like all the time I was with him meant nothing, that it was just a waste. I get out of bed and put on some cloths knowing that crying isn't going to help any thing and I look at the clock. It is 9:00. I go downstairs and find my mom cooking breakfast. " How are you sweetie" she says trying to make me feel better. "Fine" I say, trying not to make it such a big deal that Emmett and I broke up. The last thing I need is my whole family feeling bad for me, I just want to get over Emmett as soon as possible.

Daphne pov

I am very worried about Bay. Her and Emmett were great together and it hurts me that they broke up, I can't imagine what she is feeling. I'm also worried about what she is going to do next. After a break-up no one can predict what is going to happen next when it comes to Bay. She normally either goes a bit crazy, or gets another boyfriend as soon as she can, which never works out. I just really hope Emmett will be different.

Emmetts pov:

I wake up with a bad feeling in my stomach. I wipe the sleep out of my eyes and think about what happened the day before. I was filming my movie when Bay surprised me. I was completely shocked. Then I remember trying to get her to stay away from shooting the last scene, knowing that she would be hurt by it but I couldn't change the script. I get out of bed and get dressed, still thinking. I don't know how but she must have figured out about the last scene, because she came down to the set and we had a whole fight about it. I could tell I had hurt her by putting information about what happened between her and Tank. Then as I think about the last thing that happened I feel a knot in my stomach. I broke up with her. I can't imagine how she feels right now, I'm such a jerk. I love her and I have no idea what I was thinking when I broke up with her. I have to win her back. But how am I supposed to win her back now? I have already cheated on her and now I break up with her, she has no reason to trust me. My thoughts are interrupted when I see a flash, the doorbell rang. I walk to the door and open it. Skye is standing there.

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