Chapter 12

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Bay's pov:

Emmett and I sat on the blanket for an hour and a half eating and talking about a plan. Everything was going great until Emmett asked me what I had been doing before I met him at the park. "Oh I just went for a walk and saw an old friend. What about you?" I said trying to get him not to ask me about the person I saw. "I just packed food and watched TV. But anyway who did you see?" "Oh just an old friend it doesn't really matter." I said "no really who did you talk to?" He asked. I started to panic, should I tell him? Will he be mad? Should I just lie and say it was someone from Buckner? I was thinking everything through when Emmett signed, "Bay, what's wrong" "It was Ty" I said and looked up at him, waiting for a reaction. "What was he doing here?" He signed angrily. "He was looking for me, he wanted to get back together but it doesn't matter because I told him we were dating and he left." I said trying to make him feel better. The last thing I needed was him getting mad and walking away."I guess not, but it still makes me mad. He pretends to cheat on you then he comes back from war a year later and says he wants to get back together?!" Emmet signs " I know it makes me mad too but it's over so there is no point in making a big deal out of it." I say " what else did he say to you?" Emmett signed angrily looking down. "Nothing!" I sign "it's over!" "Don't lie to me I can tell. I know he said something else." Emmett signed looking me in the eye. "Okay fine, he said he loved me okay, but it really doesn't matter, I love you not him!" "Okay, fine" he signed calming down. "Can we just drop it, pretend like it never happened?" "Sure" he signed. We continued to talk but from then on it was more awkward and you could tell he was not going to just drop it.

Regina's pov:

Bay came up to me today and we started talking. "What have you been up to?" I asked. "Oh well you know how Emmett came back here to apologize for breaking up with me and said it was a mistake? Well I forgave him and now we are back together and he quit college and is staying with Melody while we work out a plan." She said. I was shocked. I mean I had a feeling that LA wouldn't be the last Bay would see of Emmett, I thought he would come back but I don't know. I had seen him at the hospital when Bay and Daphne got in a car accident and Bay didn't look happy with him. I guess I was thinking Bay would be to mad at him or he would make up with Bay and then go back to college. "Wow" I said to Bay "how did you end up forgiving him?" I asked curiously. "Well at first I was mad at him of course but then one day he talked to me about getting back together and it made me rethink things. I mostly forgave him after that but when he started punching that guy after the guy punched me I kind of just forgot about it. Daphne helped me make my decision to forgive him though." She told me. "Well it seems like things are finally going your way. You deserve to be happy after everything that happened with Tank and Emmett." I said truthfully. She has had a very hard few weeks and I really want her to have a good time with Emmett and not be stressed, she deserves it. "Thanks I got to go but I'll see you later." Bay said. We said said our goodbyes then she left.

Bay's pov:

I was glad that Regina was so happy for Emmett and I. After I left Regina's I went to tell Daphne about Emmett and I. She reacted about the same as Regina, she was happy for me and wished us good luck in our relationship. I am getting excited for our relationship. I finally think that everyone will be on our side and I hope that there is no more "bumps" in the road. Emmett and I have a decent plan for our future, we still have a few more things to figure out but I have a really good feeling about Emmett. I have always loved him, ever since the first day I met him when Daphne and Regina were moving into the guest house, I knew I would be seeing more of him. I hope Ty is okay. I feel a little bad. I mean he came back from war and told me he loved me, I didn't even ask if he was okay, he could have had his leg blown off or something! And all I did was say I didn't love him back. But it was true. I love Emmett, I will always love Emmett. I just wish I could have talked to him about something other than a relationship before I told him I didn't love him back.

Ty's pov:

How could this happen. I loved Bay, she was the one thing that helped me get over the war and I want more than anything for her to be mine. But she's not mine, I let her slip away. Again. I pretend to cheat on her and went to war and she got over me. She moved on. She was taken away from me by Emmett. Again. I thought she loved me. I know we never actually said it but I thought she knew I loved her and I thought she loved me too. I want her back more then anything. I want her to take me back out of the hole I crawled back into during war. But I have no choice. She is not mine. She cannot help me. She is gone. And now all I can do is attempt to move on.

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