Chapter 4

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Emmetts pov:

I rang the doorbell and Katherine answered. She looked shocked to see me. " What are you doing here?" She said, forgetting to sign. " I wanted to talk to Bay" I signed. "Oh, Bays not here" she said and signed a little nervously. " Do you know when she will be back?" " It could be days, maybe weeks we really don't know." " Where is she?" I asked confused. She hesitated then she took a deep breath. "I thought Daphne might have told you, Bay's in the hospital" my heart dropped " Her and Daphne were in a car accident, Daphne is fine and out of the hospital, but Bay..." I hung on to her every word, hoping that what she was saying wasn't true. " is she okay?" I ask, desperately. "She hasn't woken up yet, it was two days ago"" can I see her" " I'm not sure if that's a good idea" " I know I was awful to Bay and I was so stupid to break up with her but I'm here to tell her I still love her please let me see her and try to make up for what I did" I signed with all my heart. I had to see Bay and nothing was going to stop me from seeing her. She said " Emmett, I know that your a good guy and that you would do anything for Bay but you can't keep making mistakes. Your not only hurting her but you are hurting all of us. I will let you see her but I don't think that any of us can forgive you." I nodded my head, knowing everything she said was true.

Toby's pov:

I stair at my sister as a deep pain shoots through my heart. It's so sad to see the person I grew up with laying down hurt and helpless and she can't do anything about it. I want to help her but I can't. I was already a little bit mad at Daphne and now it's a lot worse. She just keeps hurting Bay doesn't she. I don't get how she got into this accident, why wouldn't she have kept her eyes on the road? I know that she was hurt too and no one is going to take even a second to think that it was all her fault, except me. I'm sick of her getting away with everything. I know that she is my biological sister and we have some things in common but at times like this and when she trashed the construction sight I can't feel more separated from her.

Johns pov:

I am looking at my beautiful daughter laying on the hospital bed with scrapes covering her body when someone walks in. I look up and find Emmett walking towards Bay. "What do you think your doing?" I say and sign angrily. I don't know how he found out Bay was here but the last person she needs here is the man who broke her heart. " I know that I was a jerk and I never should have broke up with Bay, I'm here to try to make thing right and I need to see Bay. I love her and she's hurt." Emmett signs. I stand there and think about letting him see her. " I just can't have Bay be hurt again, especially by you" I say. "I understand that but.. Please, I need to see her and I'm afraid I won't take no for an answer." I was very surprised, I couldn't imagine him saying something like that, but I also understand how he is feeling and why he said that. "You got 15 minutes, don't push it

Emmett's pov:

I walked up and looked at Bay. She was covered in scrapes and bruises and there was a small dent in her head where something must have hit her. I don't know how with all of her scrapes and bruises she can still look so beautiful. I stair at her for a while until the nurse walks in. I read her lips as she said " We have something to tell you, would you like to gather the family?" As she was talking John walked in. "Yes,I will tell them to come as soon as possible" John says. By the next 10 minutes the whole family has arrived and agreed that I could hear what the nurse had to say. They brought an interpreter in for Daphne and I then the nurse started talking. "We think Bay has something rare but without her awake we can't tell. Before we can say what she has, when she will get better, or anything like that she has to be awake" the nurse says "Right now we can't figure out how to wake her up, we are hoping she will wake up soon so we can run some tests but if she doesn't, we can't promise that she will be okay." I don't know what to do or say. I'm not sure if I should try to stay positive or if I should be sad that she might not live. The nurse leaves the room and we stand there in silence and look at Bay, like if we stair at her long enough she will wake up. We all take turns having a moment with her alone. Since I am not family I go last, but no one has left yet. I look at her for a while and sign I love you. I'm about to walk out when I turn around and kiss her. I know it sounds crazy, but I swear that right when my lips pulled away from hers, her eyes fluttered open. She sat there and looked up at me confused. I pulled the hair out of her face and signed " your okay, your going to be okay." She replies "Where am I? What happened? Why are you here?" I tell her one second then walk out of the room and sign, "She is awake" to her family. They all look confused and happy at the same time. They rushed into the room and hugged a confused Bay.

Regina's pov:

We are all crying tears of joy and relief and celebrating when Bay says "What is going on? What happened?" We look at her and Katherine says " You were in a car accident and you have been in the hospital for the last two days. The doctors weren't sure what was wrong with you and couldn't find out until you woke up." Bay looked at the scrapes on her body and processed what happened. Then she looked up at Emmett. I feel so bad for her, she is sitting there confused and in pain and looking at the man who broke her heart. No one except Katherine really knows why he is here so we all turn our heads to Katherine for a response. She puts her hands up and looks at Emmett. "That doesn't matter right now, what matters is that you are okay." John says, saving Emmett from an award response. Then the nurse walks in and looks happy that Bay is awake. "Okay now that she is awake can you all go in the hall while I ask Bay a few questions. We all exit into the hall.

Bay's pov:

I am a little confused on exactly what happened and why Emmett is here but I put all of that behind me so the nurse can ask me questions. "So how are you feeling" she asks "My head hurts a lot and so does my ankle and arm." I say trying to find a comfortable position but ending up hurting myself more. "Well do you mind if we do a few test?" "No" "Great, tell me if and where it hurts when I press here." She presses on my ankle and a deep pain shoots up my leg. "Owe!" I say, unaware of how loud I was. "Oh we need to get that x-rayed it sounds like it might be broken." She goes on seeing what parts hurt and which parts just need some medicine.By the end of it I need to get x-Rays for 4 different parts and medicine for all of my scrapes.

Bay and Emmett...forever?Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant