Chapter 11

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Sorry this chapter is so late. I have been very busy. Also thank you so much for all of the views. I hope you like the story and comment if you have any questions or concerns. Enjoy!

Johns pov:

Emmett and Bay have been together ever since he got hurt. I'm still not sure if them getting back together is a great idea even though I'm almost positive they already have. I walk into the kitchen in the morning and sit down for breakfast. "Hey good morning!" Kathryn says cheerfully and hands me my plate." "Good morning." I say and take a bite of my food. "So what do you think about Emmett and Bay?" I ask, wanting someone else's opinion on this. "Well I don't know, they are a cute couple, I mean I wouldn't mind if they got back together but I'm not going to encourage it. And I think they got back together because I don't think Emmett ever left last night." I stop eating and look up at her. "Your not even mad?!" I say surprised and angry. "John, Bay isn't your little girl anymore she's growing up. You have to trust that she is old enough to make her own decisions. Of course I'm not happy about it but if she is then I'm okay with it." "I guess your right. I just don't want her to grow up." "Neither do I."

Travis's pov:

I feel really bad for Bay and Emmett. I feel like it is my fault they got hurt. I know Bay thinks it's her fault but I'm the one who punched him. He was angry but he never would have punched her and Emmett if I hadn't punched him first. I just want things to go back to normal around here after all of this drama.

Bay's pov:

I woke up with Emmett beside me. I Leaned in and kissed his cheek. His eyes fluttered open and when he saw me he smiled. He kissed me then we got dressed. "Do you think we should tell your family?" Emmett asked. "Yah, but I don't think we should make it a big deal." I said. "What do you mean? " "well I think we should tell them if they ask or if it comes up in a conversation, I just don't want to call a family meeting or anything" I said casually. "Okay, sure." Emmett texted his mom saying he would pack his things at his hotel then he would come over. We walked downstairs and I said goodbye to Emmett then sat down for breakfast. "Good morning" Katherine said as she handed my food. "So, how are things going with Emmett? I suppose he spent the night." She asked, getting to the point. "Things are going good" I said taking a bite of breakfast. "So are you guys back together?" "Yah, he's going to stay with Melody while he's here. He quit school. We're going to figure out what to do from there." "Wow! He must really love you, well I think you and Emmett need to talk about a plan from here. Is he going to college at all? Is he going to get a job here? I mean what are you going to do? And on top of that you have to tell John and Regina and I'm guessing you haven't told Daphne either. You two just have a lot to think about." She said, setting off an explosion of questions. "We will talk about all of that, we just need some time, he just told me he was quitting college last night." I said while finishing my food and standing up.

Emmett's pov:

I packed up all of my things and checked out of the hotel. I drove to my mom's house and rang the doorbell. She opened the door and immediately swallowed me in a hug. She led me inside and I went to my room and started to unpack my things. When I was done I walked into the living room and sat on the couch next to my mom. "How long do you think you're going to be here?" She asked. "I'm not sure. Bay and I have some things to figure out." I replied. "Well, you're welcome to stay for as long as you want." She signed smiling. "Thanks mom." I signed then got up from the couch and went to the kitchen and made myself some breakfast. After I was done eating I put my dish away and went into my room and texted Bay.

Bay's pov:

Emmett texted me and said we need to meet up. We are going to meet at the park this afternoon for lunch. Since it was only 10:00 I went for a walk. I walked for a while until I saw the last person I wanted to see. I looked away trying to hide my face and quickened my pace. I was looking down and I noticed my shoes was untied. I bent down to tie it and when I looked up I looked straight into him eyes. His face seemed to become lighter when our eyes met. He smiled and walked up to my saying, "Bay!" I looked around for a second then waved and said, "hey" not as enthusiastically as he had. How could I have such bad luck, I had walked right into Tyler Mendosa (Ty). "What are you doing here?" I asked him. "I was looking for you. I need to talk to you about something. Want to go sit down?" He said and then answered for me by walking to a bench nearby. I followed him and tried to swallow the lump in my throat. "I don't think this is a good idea I have a b.." I started to say but he cut me off. " so I know you are probably mad at me because of what happened before I left for war but.." He said but this time I cut him off " I know." I said. "What?" He questioned me "Marry Beth told me. I know you didn't cheat on me." "Oh.. Well I still need to tell you something. Since I got back from war I've been thinking about you a lot, and Bay I really like you. I think that I might even love you." "Ty I have a boyfriend" I said quickly, like ripping off a band-aid. "Oh" he said awkwardly. "It's Emmett" I said looking down, not wanting to see his face when I told him. "I'm sorry I should have started with that." I said "no it's okay, well I should go, good luck with Emmett." Ty said getting up. "Thanks, bye" I said then watched him walk away. I felt really bad but there was nothing I could do about it. I love Emmett. I might have at one point loved Ty but things are different now. And my parents were never a big fan of Ty anyway. I sat on the bench for a while until I remembered. My date! I had completely forgotten about my date with Emmett. I went home and quickly changed and headed for the park.

Emmett's pov:

I had spent the rest of the day setting up my date. I got dressed then I got a blanket, a basket, some candles, and I picked out our food and drinks. I found a nice spot at the park and set everything down and waited for Bay. I had waited about 20 minutes before I started to get worried. Where was Bay? Why was she so late. I texted her "where are you?" I wrote. A minute later she replied "sorry got caught up. I'm on my way." A few minutes later she walked over to me smiling and sat down.

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