Chapter 5

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A few days later

I came out of the hospital with a sprained ankle, a broken arm, less scrapes, and an extremely painful concussion. I have to where a boot (which is very hard to walk with) and a cast on my arm so I can't sign. The most painful part is probably the deep gash on my forehead though. When I got home my parents threw me a party and all friends and family were there. Even though most things were cleared up in the hospital I still have one more question, why is Emmett here. He came up to me after the party while I was in my art studio. "Hey" he signed."Hey, what's up" I said. "Can I talk to you?" He asks "Sure,what" "Meet me here tomorrow at 12:00." He signed then walked away.

The next day at 12:00

I waited in my art studio hoping Emmett would explain everything. He pulled up and gave me one of his signature James Deen smirks and motioned for me to get on his motorcycle. I pulled back and gave him a is-that-really-necessary look. "Come on" he signed "Just trust me" I got on the back of his motorcycle and we drove off. The whole ride I wondered where he was taking me. My stomach filled with an uneasy feeling as we pulled up. He had brought me to our timeline. I remember in L.A as I walked away I said " I guess your going to have to redo the end of our timeline" why would he take me here. He took my hand and dragged me to the place our timeline was, but he added something to the end. It read "Emmett officially becomes the stupidest person in the world by letting Bay go. Then it says "Bay becomes the most amazing person in the world and forgives him" then "Bay and Emmett forever" no, this isn't true I am not going to forgive him again. He needs to stop making mistakes. I know I love him and it is hard to get over him but i can't keep doing this, maybe it's just not meant to be. I open my mouth to speak but before anything comes out Emmett signs "Please before you say anything listen to what I have to say. I hesitate then I motion for him to go on. " Bay I don't know what I was thinking the day I broke up with you. I might have just been in shock or maybe I was having so much fun shooting the movie I didn't want to think about home but I made a bad decision and I known this isn't the first time that I have made a bad decision and you have no reason to trust me but please try to forgive me. I know we have a few things to work through and that you might need some time but I don't care. Bay I woke up the morning after we broke up and I felt like my whole world was over and Bay I never want to feel that again. I love you to much to let you go over a stupid argument." He takes a deep breath and says in a quivering voice " I love you Bay Kennish and I need you" I didn't know what to think. "No you can't do that and just expect everything to be okay. I'm tired of you making mistakes and then trying to fix them in a day. Emmett you were right we aren't interested in the same things anymore we grew apart and now we are completely different people." "No we are still the same. Of course we have our differences but if we were exactly the same nothing would be interesting we would have nothing to talk about!" He said in defense. "I just don't think that after everything that has tried to pull us apart we can still be right for each other." "Bay, while you were in the hospital the nurse came in and said that if you didn't wake up then you could die. They didn't know how to wake you up. And I'm not sure if I imagined this or if it was real but it seemed as if right when I kissed you, you woke up. And I know a lot of things have pulled us apart but right now I'm trying to keep us together and I think that was a sign, it's working." "Are you saying that going to L.A to talk to you isn't trying to make us work!" "I didn't say that, what I'm saying is I know you tried to work things out and I was an idiot. And I know things have tried to pull us apart in the past but, nothing is pulling us apart now. Bay I just want you. That's all I've wanted since the day I've met you and we have gone over a few bumps but nothing's changed and nothing will change." And with that he took me and pulled me into a kiss. At first I was going to pull away, but I thought about everything he had said and maybe he was right. Maybe we were right for each other.

Daphne's pov:

I can tell Toby's trying to avoid me (again) and I almost feel mad. I know it was awful what I did to Bay but it was an accident. He acts like I did it on purpose. And it makes me mad that he doesn't see that and that he just wants to stick up for Bay. I'm his sister! I know they grew up together but I am still related to him and he wouldn't stick up for me if Bay had been driving and I had been the one who got hurt. And I can't help thinking that it is partly Emmett's fault for texting me even though he was coming to here anyway. I need to talk to him, and Bay. I have a feeling that they are going to get back together and I don't want that for Bay, and I think everyone in this house would agree with me. I woke up this morning and Nay was already up eating breakfast with is weird because normally she is the last one up. I ate some breakfast and she went and got dressed then walked outside. When I finished my breakfast I was walking out side when I saw Emmett and Bay talking. I am scared Bay is going to be hurt by him again. I really need to talk to him.

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