Chapter 2

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Katherine pov:

I am trying to be as nice as possible to Bay. I made her favorite breakfast and I never mentioned her going to L.A or anything about Emmett, but I'm getting suspicious. What could have happened that caused them to break up? They loved each other. I'm hoping Bay will tell someone what happened. It doesn't have to be me but I think it would be good for her. Maybe if she tells someone, this breakup will be a little easier then the last breakup with Emmett. She met a girl named Zara and they did street art without us knowing. Then when we found out she refused to stop doing it. Then she fled off to Mexico with Zara when she got mad at us! I just want the best for Bay, and Emmet builds her up just to break her down and it hurts all of us.

Bays pov:

I can tell Katherine wants to know what happened but I'm not ready to tell her and I'm not sure if I ever will be. I tell Katherine I have something to do and I go into my art studio. I take a brush and start slapping it against a canvas. I take all my anger at Emmett out in the painting. When I'm finished I take a deep breath and step back to look at my painting. I don't know why but looking at it a single tear falls down my cheek. I sit down and one after another tears start falling down my face. I sit there crying until Daphne walks in and sits down next to me. She calms me down and I wipe the tears off my face and eyes. Daphne signs and says " I know it's non of my business, but can you please tell me what happened in L.A. It's killing me not to know and I think it might help you work through things." I sigh then I sign and say " it's a long story, I rather not tell you here. Can we go somewhere else?" " Sure" she says " Whatever you need"

Johns pov:

I am so mad at that boy. My daughter flew all the way to L.A and he has the nerve to break up with her?! Bay hasn't told any one what happened yet but I know that Bay loved him and would never break up with him. Bay got back last night at 1:00 in the morning. Her face was red and there were stains of makeup from crying that she tried to wipe off. She went straight to her room without a word and fell fast asleep. I knew she shouldn't have gotten back together with Emmett. I never liked him but Bay loved him so much I decided to give him a chance, big mistake. I just want Bay to realize she doesn't need a guy to be happy. It seems like ever since the switch she hasn't been single for more then a week and I'm tired of it. The next boyfriend she has will have to go through me before he can get to her.

Emmetts pov:

I did not want Skye to be here. She is part of the reason I'm not still with Bay and right now all I want to do is think about how I can win Bay back. " Hey" she signs and says. "Hey" I sign back. She looks around the room "Where is Bay? I was just going to ask if you guys wanted to get some breakfast with me." I stand there and think why did she have to say that, she made things ten times worse. " I broke up with her" I sign. " oh well if you still want to go to breakfast with me.." "I'm pretty busy, I think I'll just get some breakfast later" I sign hoping she will go away. " Oh, okay well see you later" she sighed and said while walking away. I shut the door and take a deep breath. How am I going to get Bay back. I figure I don't really need a plan, I just need to talk to her and hopefully she will understand. I go to the airport and write down, one ticket from L.A to Missouri and show it to the man selling tickets. I go back home and pack my bags, I'm leaving in two days.

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