Chapter 9

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Bay's pov:

We all watched as Emmett's eyes slowly lifted. He looked a little confused when he first saw me. He looked from side to side then what happened came back to him. His face dropped a little bit and we were all silent. Emmett then signed, " Who was he?" "I don't know" I reply. "What do you mean?" He signs. "I've never seen him before." I say and sign. "He looked familiar but I don't know where from." Emmett signs. "We think he might be in the deaf program, Melody is going to look." I say. Emmett says he is tired so after he falls asleep me, Melody, and Daphne drive to the dorms to look and hopefully find the guy that punched Emmett and I. Daphne couldn't look with us though because she had a class. We scrolled through the yearbook for a while until Melody had to do work so she left me with the year book. I was about half way through when I heard Travis walking in. "Hey!" I sign and say. "Hey, what are you doing? I heard that Emmett was punched." "Ya, Emmett's okay but we are trying to find the guy who did it." I reply. "Oh, what does he look like I might be able to help?" "He has floppy brown hair, a slight mustache and beard, and he's average maybe a little bit shorter in height." I say. "Wait, I think I might know him!" Travis signs and whispers without knowing it. "Really? Who is he? Do I know him?" "One second." He signs, leaving me in suspense. He picked up the year book and scrolled through it for a little bit then pointed to a guy. "Is this him?" He asks. I inspect the face, and I know it's the same one. I have the guys image in the back of my mind and I can't tell a difference. "Ya that's him" I say "what's his name? Do you know him?" I ask needing answers. "I think I know why he punched you." Travis signs. I don't reply, I just stand there and wait for him to go on. "Well, while every thing that happened with the interview of you and Tank was going on, he was mad. He thought they were making a big deal out of nothing. He came up to me and I told him we weren't supposed to talk about it. He started being rude, saying awful things about you and I couldn't take it. I.. I punched him in the face and he fell to the ground. He was probably mad about the interview and that I punched him and most likely left a mark, that he punched you. And then Emmett when he got in the way." I thought about this for a second. I was shocked. I almost felt bad for the guy, because of something I did every one in the school had to pay by spending their time doing an interview. And he also got punched in the face. But I can't feel bad for him because he made assumptions about me without even knowing who I am. Then he punched both me and Emmett. "Wow" I take a deep breath. "I'm really sorry, I wasn't thinking when I punched him. I didn't think it would lead to this." Travis apologizes. "No, it's not your fault, you were just sticking up for me. This is my fault." I say quickly. What I said was true, if I hadn't gotten so drunk at that party non of this would have happened. I just feel worse now, now that I know what a mess I caused and how many other people had to deal with this when they did nothing wrong. "Bay, it's not your fault. I shouldn't have brought the beer into the party. It messed up everything." Travis signs. "Please, don't blame yourself. What happened that night was between Tank and I and no one else. Yes you brought in the alcohol but I chose to drink it even though I knew things were going to get out of control. I just feel bad that everyone had to pay for my mistake." I sign. Travis was about to reply when Melody walked in. "Hey guys, how's it going?" Melody signs while walking in. "Good I guess, we found the guy." I say and sign. "Really, that's great! What should we decide for his punishment?" "I don't think I want to give him one. I mean I need to talk with Emmett first though." I say

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