Chapter 10

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Emmett's pov:

I woke up just as Bay walked in the door. My face still hurt but other then that I was good. "Hey" I sign to Bay. "Hey, feeling any better?" Bay replies. "Ya, other then my face I'm all good!" I sign back, "so did you find out who punched us?" "Actually, I did. Or we did, Travis helped me." "Who is he?" "Some guy in the deaf program." "Do you know why he punched you?" "Yes" she says then takes a deep breath. "It's kind of a long story." She says, obviously trying to avoid the conversation. "What do you mean?" "Well in order to understand why he was mad at me you have to know what happened before that. And that's the complicated part. I need to tell you what happened with Tank." She says. I wasn't sure what to think. I thought I knew what happened but I don't get how other people would be mad about something that happened between them. I must have been all wrong which makes me feel worse for breaking up with her. I look at her confused. I'm not sure if I want to hear what happened but obviously she has been wanting to tell me since she face timed me the first time and I threw my computer on the ground. I look up at her and say, "go ahead. What happened?"
For a while she talked about it and as she got further into the story I felt worse and worse. I didn't even know my mom started the investigation. I felt so bad for her, and I can't believe I'm saying this but I feel bad for Tank too. They both drank to much and made a mistake and they had to do so much to pay for it. I can't believe I got mad at her and thought she did it to get back at me after she had gone through all of this. By the time she got to the part that everyone found out it was her and talked about it on the website I wanted to yell at my mom. She didn't tell me anything and she made Bay do this stupid interview and face the humiliation of everyone finding out. At the end she pulled up the online story and let me read it and look at the comments. After reading them I wanted to cry, but if course I didn't. I finally understand what she has been trying to tell me, it's not her fault but it's not Tank's fault either. "So, that's what really happened and the part about the guy being mad at me, I almost forgot. Travis told me that when they were doing the investigation the guy that punched us was mad. He said that they were making a big deal out of nothing and apparently said a few unnecessary things about me that Travis got mad about. So mad that Travis punched the guy in the face. Which is why he came back here and got mad at me, and you when you got in the way." Bay concluded. "I'm sorry. I should have listened to you when you tried to explain everything. And I'm sorry about everything my mom put you and Tank through. I feel awful." I sign, not being able to express how bad I feel. "It's okay, you didn't know. It's over now, there's nothing you could have done." "I know, but I wish there was." I say. "Oh and I almost forgot, here's your phone. You left it at my place and I came back to give it to you, but then all of this happened."I sign handing Bay her phone back. "Oh, thanks!" Bay says. "And there is one more thing I need to tell you." I sign. Bay looked at me, confused and worried yet interested. "I'm leaving L.A and moving back here. I want to be with you, I love you and I can't loose you again. I know you might think I'm making a mistake but I'm not, I want my future to be with you more then I want to finish college. And there's nothing you can say that will make me change my mind." I sign to her. "Well, I still think you should go to college in L.A, but I have a feeling your not going to listen to anything I'm saying." Bay says. I nod and sign, " I've already figured things out." "Then all I can say is I'm happy you're back!"

Bay and Emmett...forever?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن