Ch.4 Shadow

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Yes it is called Shadow... and no it does not include shadow from eyes thank you very much! 😉😉 or does it????

Rendi stroad ahead and faced Kayla and Kia.

"Okay Children... Grab hold." He held out his hand and Kia slapped it.

"Seriously..." Kayla whined.

"I was just kidding!" Kia said. Frowning.

"Come on!" Rendi ordered.

Kayla and Kia grabbed his arm. Suddenly time slowed.

"You can let go now." Rendi started running so fast he was a blur.

Kia followed So with a sigh Kayla put on her brave face and ran.

Trees blended together and animals looked like tiny slow... TREE! Kayla almost ran into a tree.

Kia laughed. Rendi was no where to be seen.

"Kia! Where is Rendi!"

Kia stopped laughing and looked around. "oh."

"Yeah oh!" Kayla put both hands on her hips.
"Ok well I know where he's at!" Kia grabbed her hand and before she could yank it away, They were off.

Kia looked over and smiled at her. She looked over and realized she was smiling too. She quickly turned it into a grimace. Kia snickered at that and she found her self laughing too.

Kia stopped and Kayla plowed into another tree.

Rendi stood there. Kia touched his arm and suddenly he was very slow. Kayla trotted over and touched his arm too.

Kayla looked around. Everything was... normal again except... all the Elementions that all were walking about a small village. One little girl was using wind to play instruments. Another man was boiling water using his hand. They all were walking about using their powers to do everyday things.

"Wow... Kia you lied big time."


Rendi disappeared.

"Come on! I'll show you my hut! "
Kia dragged Kayla by the hand to a small hut close to others. There was a large arch over all of them that read: 'Power of Flamma'

"Wait isn't flamma Latin for love?"

"Yup! Also for Fire, Heat, Blaze, Flame, And passion." Kia said proudly.

"Ok. So are you going to show me your house?"

"Hut." Kia corrected.

"Right hut." Kayla smiled.

Kia opened the door for her.

"Malady." Kia winked.

"Why thank you!" Kayla did a curtsy the best she could with jeans.

The inside was brick. Everything was fire proof. Even a few fire extinguishers were carelessly placed around.
A small double bed sat in the corner. Unmade of course. A stove, fireplace, fridge, A table with three chairs... They had gold labels. The first was all scratched up like someone had been trying to ruin it. It was partly singed. It read, 'Kia (Father)' Kia was a jr?

The next was even more destroyed. it read 'Klode (Mother)'

The last was not destroyed on the name but the second part was charred you could barely read it. Kayla could barely make it out. The first part read 'Kia' The second charred part read, 'jr. (Son). Kia finally noticed her reading it.

"HEY!" He quickly pushed in the chairs.
"Sorry." Kayla looked down at her feet.

Silence... until WOOSH! A dark haired teenager swooped down on black wings.

"Hey Shadow!" Kia high fiver him.

"Hey! Who's this?" Shadow gestured to Kayla.

"Kay. Kay this is Shadow. He is an Elemental. Power of shadow."

"Oh wow... Never would of guessed that!" Kayla rolled her eyes. (NO PUN INTENDED FOR MY EYES READERS.)

"Yup gotta fly..." He smiled.

"Ok dude. Keep it easy!"

"As long as there is no Moon or Storm!"

"Nice man! See ya later!"

Shadow disappeared into the darkness.

"Moon? Storm?"

"Long story!"

"I've got time!"

Kia laughed at that.

"Come on let's go see the village."
Wanna here the story of Shadow? Then read Eyes! Or shadows journey! (Not out yet!)

Yours in demigodishness and all that peace out! ✌️

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