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William sat in the drawing-room, staring at the dancing flames in the fireplace. Eliza watched him from afar, smiling slightly at the way he was sitting. He was brooding, like usual when he was left alone. She walked over towards him and sat down next to him "Omari will be in soon with the tea" he snapped out of his trance and looked up at her "you look as if you need to say something, what's wrong?"

"What gives you the indication that something is wrong?"

Eliza shook her head "you're thinking, Jackson used to pull the exact same face" She rested a cautious hand on his thigh before smiling "You can tell me"

it was the honesty in her voice that first caught him off guard, telling her a little of his life couldn't hurt "I'm...do you remember when that slave found me?" She gave a slight nod before he continued "I'm a drunk with a bad temper...it's been three months since my last drink and there is not a day that I don't long for one"

"It wasn't that hard to find out, you were soused when Edwin found you, your clothes smelt like ale" William's eyes shot up to meet hers, then darted back down to where her hand was on his thigh. He wanted to reveal something about his past, but he truly was at a loss for words "It's nothing to be ashamed of though"

"I apologize..." He said finally, speaking to the floorboards before meeting her gaze "My past isn't something I usually talk about..."

Eliza offered a small smile before removing her hand from his thigh "Everyone has demons, some more than others" She stared into his eyes and tucked a stray piece of hair behind his ear. He felt that familiar shiver dance up his spine when her fingers lightly grazed his cheek "You have many, I can see it in your eyes, you want forgiveness...but for what?" William opened his mouth to speak but no works came out "you don't have to tell me if you don't wish to..."

"It's not that I don't want to, you'd hate me if I told you the truth"

"nothing you did could possibly be that bad" Eliza knew from the beginning that he was broken, he carried his life in a snap sack for Christ's sake! She tipped her head to the side before reaching up to push another stray strand of hair back "I think you need to tame your hair"

"It needs cutting, it's far beyond my shoulders now" William half smiled before clearing his throat. Eliza raised her hand and ran it through his surprisingly soft hair, he subconsciously leant into her touch and let out a soft, quiet sigh. He did not push away like she assumed he would, it surprised her when he leaned towards her. His eyes closed, only making the feeling intensify. It wasn't until she rested her hand on his shoulder that he came back to reality, his blue eyes shockingly intense. Their eyes truly locked in that moment, love and hate collided. It was like a trance, both of them dared not to look away like either of them would disappear into the air. Her lips parted and he glanced down, the spell war broken. William slid his hand up and placed his hand on top of hers, the feeling was electrifying, like nothing either of them had felt before.

His heart was pounding, He couldn't hold it back...

He couldn't help but look at her face, her eyes and then her lips, William was too close, he could move just a bit more to kiss her. And he did.

It was only a peck, but he found relief...

"I'm sorry..."

Eliza froze, her worker had just kissed her! but oddly she found it rather nice?

oh for the love of god...

She closed the gap, capturing his lips in hers. It took William by surprise, he expected to be slapped or pushed away, maybe even screamed at! But when she kissed him, he couldn't help but reciprocate. William moved slowly, the kiss gentle but passionate as it sent heat shooting through his veins. Eliza's head was swimming and she couldn't take any time to think, her body was burning with want. He deepened the kiss, sliding his tongue into the warm cavity of her mouth. She let out a soft gasp and raised her hand to cup his cheek, only to pull away when she heard a creek behind them.


Eliza quickly pushed William backwards and shot her head around to see Arthur standing there with an old stuffed toy in his hands "Arty! Why-aren't you supposed to be asleep?" she asked as she distanced herself from William.

Arthur looked down and hugged his toy "I had a scary dream..."

"Oh darling come here" She patted on the cushion and Arthur came and sat between the two adults "Now what was it about?" Eliza asked as he nuzzled into William's side.

"You weren't there, I couldn't find you or Will, then a man on a horse tried to kill me"

William smiled slightly before ruffling his hair "There isn't any need to be afraid little man, dreams aren't reality, they cannot hurt you" Arthur started crying before clutching onto his waistcoat "Hey...don't cry, nothing will hurt you as long as I'm here"

"While we're both here, you have nothing to fear" Eliza softly spoke before gently caressing Arthur's cheek. She glanced up at William, only to see him staring at her, she flushed and glanced back down at her son "Do you want me to tuck you in?"

"no...I want Will to..." Arthur muttered and looked up at her "don't be sad mama..."

William smiled slightly before shaking his head "very well little man, if your mother allows it, that is"

Eliza looked up at him before nodding "will you come back down afterwards?"

"Of course" As soon as those word left his tongue, he felt guilty. He promised Emily that he'd love her forever, even after her death. Though she was prominent on him finding happiness. Maybe this could be it? No! He couldn't move on!

"William?" Eliza mumbled, snapping him from his trance "Thank you"

He was then lost for words once again...


"Why was mama acting silly when I came down stairs" Arthur asked when William lifted him into bed and laid him down "She went red and her hair looked messy"

William cleared his throat before covering the boy in the blanket "I said something really funny, that's all" he sat on the edge of his bed and ran his fingers through the lad's hair "You were brilliant today on the horses"

"Thank you!" He beamed before yawning and nuzzling the pillow "I'm sleepy..."

William smiled and shook his head "Sleep well little man"

"goodnight papa..." Arthur yawned and hugged onto the stuffed animal in his arms, falling asleep within a few moments of his sentence. Those took him by surprise. He thought instantly of Emily, he wanted a family and that is what killed her, if he had a family now...no he couldn't! Emily was his one...

"Goodnight my boy" he quietly whispered before walking from the boy's room. William stood there for a moment, he didn't know what to do or how to act.

He resented the way he felt towards Eliza but he couldn't help but look her way when she walked into the room. It was guilt that was truly holding him back, Emily died fourteen years ago, he hadn't slept around or merely kissed anyone but Eliza. He felt like he'd die if he didn't, Eliza only needed to look in his direction and his life would brighten just a little bit more. William slowly walked down to the stairs, making sure to make as little noise as possible. Eliza was sat on the sofa with her knees tucked to her chest, her eyes focused on the flames in the fireplace. Adorable is the only word that he could describe her as.

"Is he asleep?" Apparently she could tell he was there by his footsteps. William walked over towards her and nodded before sitting down "So about what happened..."

"ah yes...I apologise for my actions-"

"Stop apologising"

William closed his mouth and looked towards the floor. Eliza smiled slightly and tilted his chin up. The next thing he felt were her lips on his. He raised his hand to cup her cheek before pulling away "Eliza...if I- if we do this, you'd come to hate me..."

"I don't think I could hate you" She pressed a soft kiss to his lips before tilting her head to the side.

"You know nothing about me..."

"will you tell me?"

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