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William wiped the sweat from around his eyes and forehead, no longer wishing to be outside in the blistering heat. He longed for a drink, he was prepared to practically beg for it if needs be. But he had come to learn that Eliza kept all the wines and liquors under lock and key in the cellar. He feared that she had discovered his drinking issue as she hadn't offered him a drink since the previous Friday evening. Well it was quite obvious because a slave had discovered him passed out stinking of drink- but then he decided that he didn't care what she thought, all he cared about was his pay.

He ordered the youngest looking slave (Edwin) to finish up the garden as he took a quick drink of water from his canteen. Out of all the summers he had faced, this was by far the hottest "Right, you're done for the day" William mumbled before walking towards the plantation. While he was walking, he had a strange thought. Eliza did seem rich, if he played his cards right, he might be able to sneak his way into her will. She seemed kind enough, her smile came easily when he was in the room.

That was only a thought.

It was hard enough working for a colonial.

William walked through the house and found a house slave, told them he wanted a basin of water before disappearing into his room. He sat on the edge of his bed, waiting for one of the house slaves to bring him some water in a basin so he could wash. He picked up the book that was on his bedside table and resumed reading the chapter he left it on.

'Human nature is the same in all professions'

At those words, William chuckled. Indeed, all human's ever worked for was money that buys them next to nothing. In the sense of wages, he was rather lucky that Eliza was generous, five pounds a week is a lot of money. He'd already bought himself a decent pair of boots, a few shirts, waistcoats and breeches. Before meeting Eliza, those things would've taken him at least a month to save, rather, beg for. Even if he worked for her for the rest of his miserable life, at least he'd die in a warm bed. But one thing was certain, he'd leave his money to her and Arthur, they were like his family.


"Where is Will mama?" Arthur asked before looking at the empty chair next to him "Does he not know that dinner is ready?" He sadly mumbled and looked down at his plate of chicken and vegetables "His favourite meal is chicken..."

Eliza too wondered where he was. She had to admit that she had grown fond of him over the past month, he was like a father to him. It warmed her to know that William was kind enough to put up with her son's constant conversations and silly jokes. A part of her hoped that he would stay long enough for him to teach Arthur how to shoot or maybe even hunt.

"Do you think he's upset?"

"Whatever do you mean Arty?"

"He didn't seem very happy earlier..."

After dinner, Eliza walked up the stairs on her way to her room, but something stopped her. She glanced at the closed door to William's room. Her feet had a mind of their own, and before she knew it, she knocked on his door and walked in "Just put the water in the basin and leave please" William muttered, his back was turned to her so he hadn't realised who had entered the room. He took off his shirt and threw it onto a chair.

Her eyes widened at the sight, she'd only ever seen him topless once. She shook her head and leant against the doorframe "If you need water-" William cheeks slightly flushed when he turned around to see Eliza standing there "-I'm definitely not the one to ask"

"For- forgive me, I thought you were Demetri, I told him an hour ago to fetch me some water" William tried explaining why he thought she was the slave. but in the end he just fell quiet.

"Arthur missed you at dinner, I thought that maybe you were ill"

"I thank you for your concern but I am healthy"

"Good, I'm quite glad of that" Her smile brightened for a moment before she caught a glimpse at the scar running over his right collar bone and pectoral. William quickly snatched his shirt from the chair and covered the front of his chest. She took a few steps forwards and rested her gentle hand on his before moving the fabric away "Whatever happened?"


As he was about to make up an answer, she touched his skin. He felt that same shiver run up his spine at the feel of her fingers on his skin. Although it was extremely unnerving, William couldn't help but close his eyes and quietly sigh when she traced the long line of scar tissue.

"How did you receive this?"

"I...I was injured by a soldier using a tomahawk" It was a half truth, the man who injured him was the ghost. That bastard etched his mark on William's skin for eternity, but she didn't need to know that "It wasn't actually that bad, it healed within a fortnight" He lied, it took two months to fully recover.,

Eliza looked up at him before reaching up and tucking some hair behind his ear "Your hair is rather long, maybe a trim would be nice?" she actively fought against the urge to run her fingers down his cheek and slightly scratch his stubbly beard.

William was unable to stand it, he hated how much he liked her touch "Miss Mathews..."

"Please, call me Eliza, we've know each other for months now"

"...Miss...Eliza this is inappropriate" He softly took her by the wrist and moved her hand away from his chest.

"How so?"

"I'm half dressed?"

"And I am perfectly decent, I don't recall it being a crime to be fully dressed in front of a respectable gentleman such as yourself" He silently laughed at her comeback, smirking ever so slightly as he prepared his next sentence "What people do not know, doesn't hurt them, we all have secrets we do not wish to reveal" Eliza looked up at him with curious eyes, and once more, he became entranced by her light blue irises. God, she was truly divine...she was, dare he say it, even more beautiful this close "You need to find happiness, I see it in your eyes that you long for it"

She sounded just like Emily...

"You know barely anything about me" He tried not to sound like an ass, but failed "You know nothing off my origins or my past" William looked down at her before shaking his head "I do not deserve happiness nor to even be alive"

"Well, God smiles down on people who are lost in the dark, I see so much potential in you" She took a step away from him and walked towards the door before turning around once more "I believe that you have been searching, redemption or maybe acceptance, all you have to do is be the man you truly wish to be, it's as simple as a choice"

"And if I choose the right path...what then?"

"You can live in peace knowing that you will make it to heaven on judgement day" Eliza offered him a small smile before clasping her hands in front of her "Goodnight Mr Thorne, I shall see you at breakfast" Then as simple as that, she left the room and closed the door, leaving William alone once again.

After a few moments, William composed himself and sat on the edge of his bed. He looked down at the floor and let out a long sigh. Eliza was wise for her young age, even wiser than him. But if he made the choice to tell her who he truly was and why he couldn't find redemption, she wouldn't accept him. No one could accept a murderer. Not even the most kind of heart

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