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"Hmm don't you leave me..." Eliza mumbled as he opened his arms "not even for work"

William hummed in response before laying against his pillows "I've had you far too many times, I haven't got any energy in reserve" He uttered as she rested her head on his chest.

"No...you're just old"

"Arthur will be wondering why you're not in the fields"

"let him, I have you" he gently stroked her side with his fingertips. Eliza smiled to herself before looking up at him "I was thinking, maybe you and Arthur could come to Charlestown with me?"

"Arthur isn't very good on long journeys, I haven't visited my dear mother in three years"

"Is it just your mother?"

"Yes...my papa died in the war, though he wasn't a very good man"

"So if I were to ask you to marry me, I'd need her permission?"

Eliza nodded slightly before looking down at his chest "Marriage...you wish for that?" she mumbled, uncertainty in her voice.

"Then I can make love to you countless times without being shunned by societies standards" William smiled slightly as he explored the curve of her buttocks with his hand "You're perfect"

"Do I really make you that happy..."

"The happiest I've been in over a decade, a rather epic shag too" William let out a soft chuckle when she straddled his waist and pinned his hands down "What is your intention?"

"My intention?"

"you have no clothes on but a coverlet, and you've mounted my waist" William tried moving his hands "Oh and you have me pinned...What is your intention darling"

"Maybe I just want you to be a little submiss-" William quickly rolled them both over and pinned her hands above her head "I guess that's a no" She laughed before trying to move his hands "You're strong...hello"

William hummed in response before moving the coverlet to expose her stomach and breasts "Yes, hmm, yes I am" he kissed down her bosom before taking a nipple into his mouth.

Eliza let out a soft moan and tipped up his chin "William...I must dress for breakfast" She sighed as he peppered kisses in the gap between her breasts.

"But do you want me to" He smirked and kissed down her belly. She lifted one of her legs and rested her calf on his shoulder "I take that as a no"


Eliza flushed slightly at the memory of William being above her. His eyes focused on hers. And oh his scent! She sighed rather heavily and finished up the paperwork of the week. Though it was Friday, William had already left for Charlestown, she deary hoped that he would be back soon. She was about to dip her quill into the ink when Omari walked into the room. He was holding an old looking jacket and a sabre.

"Omari? What is the meaning of this?" She asked and looked down at the jacket, recognising the colours "Where on earth did you find that..."

"Mistress, I found this in William's belongings, though its not his name stitched in it"

Eliza stood up and walked over towards her chief servant, taking the coatee and examining it in the process "well who's name- oh..." She traced the words that were stitched on the inside before feeling her heart sink "Colonel William Tavington...why would he have his commanders coatee?"

"I also found this" He turned the sheath of the sabre over and looked at the name "Once again its Tavington, not Thorne, there is no record of William Thorne anywhere, as though he never existed"

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