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William stayed beside Eliza's side sobbing quietly each time he thought of his daughter "She were beautiful my love" he muttered and took a hold of her hand "Not as beautiful as you by far..." It had been eight hours since the babies birth, five hours ago they buried her beneath a young tree. Arthur came with him- though he barely had an idea what were going on- he just knew that something was upsetting his papa.

Eliza stirred slightly as her eyes fluttered open "William..." She mumbled and tried to sit up, only to feel white hot pain shoot through her stomach.

"Oh my love...you need to rest now" He mumbled and helped her lay back down, helping her get comfortable once again "How do you feel?"

"Pain..." She rested her hands on her stomach and smiled slightly "Where is my baby? Oh was it a boy or a girl?" Eliza mumbled and winced slightly when William placed his hand on her bump "They must have been ready to come out a few months early, it would explain the pain and the kicking"

A few moments of silence passed between them until William cleared his throat "Eliza..." He spoke, his voice trembling "The baby is gone...she were born far too early"

"no...no, no" Eliza quivered before quickly covering her mouth with her hands "I know how much you wanted this child...how much you wanted a child" She sobbed as he came to her side to comfort her "one you could call your own..." he sat on the edge of the bed and took her hands into his.

"All I care about is that you are alive" William gently pushed a few strands of hair from her face. Eliza started crying and let her head fall against his chest "She is with the angels now my love, they are so lucky to have her"

"My little girl..." She sobbed and clutched onto his shirt, staining his shirt with tears "Just yesterday I were carrying her...she were alive" Eliza cried harder and burrowed her head in her husbands chest "It's my fault...it's my fault that my child is dead"

"It is not your fault..." William mumbled and hugged her tightly "You know Arthur wanted to run in here and take your pain away..." He tipped her chin up and smiled slightly before pressing a kiss to her forehead "I had to comfort him whilst trying to stop myself from running in here myself"

"Did you give her a proper burial?"

"Yes...I summoned the reverend as well"

"Did you give her a name?"

"Mary Elizabeth Tavington"

at those words, her eyes filled with tears once again "did you hold her?" She asked and looked up to him.

"Yes..." William felt sick from the memory of the cold stillborn in his arms, it was god taking revenge "She had a tiny tuff of hair on her head, not as dark as mine though, she had yours" He trembled as he spoke, still feeling rather sick from the memory "I told her that we both love her and how lucky heaven is to have her"

"your passed wife will take care of her...you know, until we both are ready"

he allowed a few tears to fall down his cheek "She will..." He almost lost Eliza to the same thing that killed Emily! No he couldn't give her children, not after what he had experienced yesterday. He couldn't lose Eliza!

A few days after her miscarriage, Eliza forced herself out of bed, though it were against William's best wishes. She sat in the garden silently admiring the flowers "my dear" William muttered and sat beside her.

Eliza smiled weakly and leaned her head against his shoulder "What if I can't have children anymore..." she mumbled and he wrapped an arm around her.

"Don't be silly, the midwife said that you were healthy, maybe in a few months we can try again" He smiled and gently ran his fingers through her hair "We can wait as long as you like"

"And if I don't want a child?"

"Then I will respect your decision, I will do anything to prevent pregnancy" William nuzzled into her neck and inhaled deeply "You are the one I need Eliza" he lifted his head and kissed her cheek.

"I'll be upstairs, I feel rather sick"

"Here, I'll help you" Around ten minutes later, the couple were laid in bed in each other's arms "I love you Eliza"


William looked around the room, a young girl was sat down at her vanity with a brush in her hand. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion before walking over towards her.

"Papa..." she whispered and looked over her shoulder at him. Tears were staining her cheeks, well he thought they were tears. William was stood in front of her, he tipped his head to the side before reaching out to touch her cheek. Though when he touched her cheek she was freezing! He quickly took away his hand and started breathing heavily "I'm cold...it's so cold now since I died"


"That's what my name is?"  William looked into her eyes, they didn't match his or Eliza's "What's wrong?"


"Is that my name?" William heard a baby crying in the corner of the room "Oh that's my sister..."

"Mary..." He rushed over to where the cries were coming from, only to see that nothing was there. William started heavily breathing before turning around.

Emily was stood there, blood staining in between her legs "you did this to me!" She screamed and came a little closer "And you almost killed her too!"

William quickly woke up, sweat dripping down his face. He quickly looked to the side and saw Eliza sleeping peacefully. He took in a few deep breaths and covered his face with his hands. This couldn't be happening!

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