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"What are you doing back here?" A slave spoke, causing William to turn around. But when he saw Omari, he tilted his head in confusion.

"I'm not in the mood to talk with you, where is Eliza?"

"And why would you need her? She dismissed you" He smirked and crossed his arms.

"I'm aware I gave that order, Omari please attend to the fields"


"Must I ask you again?"

"Of course..." Omari muttered and walked back over towards the fields. William internally smiled, that prick was finally working the fields, he doesn't know the meaning of hard work.

"What do you want William?" Eliza mumbled and looked up at him with a hidden hate in her eyes.

"I came to speak with you...to tell you who I truly am"

"I don't have time for this-"

"Please? I beg of you to listen..." William looked at the dirt beneath his feet before sighing "I had a wife once, her name was Emily, she died when she birthed our stillborn Madelaine" he cast his eyes upwards for a moment, meeting her slightly softened gaze "She told me to find happiness and I didn't listen, she died mere minutes after that sentence...But then I found you, rather you found me, fourteen years later" his lips twitched into a smile for a moment, before slowly fading "If I had told you my real name, you'd have treated me like a stray dog..."

"You lied to me William...if you loved me as you said you did, you wouldn't have lied to me"

"But I do love you"

"You need to find love in yourself before being be able to love another"

She turned to leave but William took her hand into his "Eliza...I love you, I love you more than I can comprehend..." he shook his head before smiling slightly "You saved me, you chose to give me a chance...I ask you to give me another chance" after a few minutes of silence, William nodded and swallowed thickly "I am sorry for wasting your time, I shall take my leave"

"you can stay, that doesn't mean I forgive you"

"Thank you Eliza...you won't regret this"

"I said you could stay, that doesn't mean you are forgiven" William smiled and nodded, that's all he could really do in that situation.

When she turned, he saw the bump underneath her dress, it had been three almost four months since they laid together "My lord...you're with child aren't you?" Eliza made no sound, she only nodded and walked back to the plantation. He nodded before happily smiling and scratching his chin "Our baby...I'll be a father"

"I'm not your biggest fan at the moment, you're on a trial" She spoke before resting her hand on her pregnant swell "And then I'll decide if you can have a part in My childs life"

"Yes mistress"

"Very well" Eliza looked him up and down before smiling "Arthur missed you"

"May I see him? The little man hasn't seen me in months"

"That's if he wants to see you, you will be quartered in the guest room and you start work at dawn"


"papa! You came back!" Arthur beamed and threw his arms around him, hugging him tightly "I've missed you Will!"

"I know, I know" He breathed a sigh of relief and hugged him back "I've missed you so much little man"

"Don't leave me again, promise?" The lad mumbled but didn't look up at him "It wasn't the same without you"

"Shh little man, Shh" He sighed in relief and stood back up "I'm not leaving, I plan on winning your mother back..." William mumbled to himself before looking into the dining room where Eliza was setting the table. With a sigh, he picked up his snap sack and walked up the stairs, only for Arthur to follow him "Do you want me to tuck you in tonight?"

"No...I'm all grown up now"

"You're not yet seven"

"I'm a man Will!"

"Of course, I apologise arty"


William looked around his old room before spotting Eliza's hair ribbon on the bedside table. She had left it there after their first night together. He scowled slightly before unpacking his belongings, stuffing everything into one drawer like usual. At least Arthur was happy with his return, the little lad had no one. With a sigh, he undressed for the evening and sat on the edge of the bed. Alone. He rested his hands on the sides of his head before closing his eyes. He'd forgotten himself barely two months ago...Christ he needed a drink now though!

"William...may we talk?"

He looked up to see Eliza walking towards his bed "why of course mistress, it's your house after all" She nodded slightly before sitting down next to him "What are you inquiring about?"

"Do you want a part in this childs life? Truly?"

"It has always been a dream of mine to have children of my own" William smiled slightly before looking down at his hands "After what happened to Emily, I didn't have sex for the fear of killing the mother if she became with child"

"So why did you choose to lay with me?"

"Because you made me feel alive, like a living man, my love and lust got the best of me"

Eliza let tears well up in her eyes before leaning against his shoulder "I was so scared that I'd be giving birth alone..."

William turned to face her and wrapped his arms around her "there, there, Shh dearest"

"I'm sorry, my emotions are everywhere at the moment" Eliza quickly detached herself from his embrace and wiped her eyes "entirely your fault, by the way"

"I developed my habits again whilst I were away, a girl called Anna saved me, she reminded me of you and how much you had helped me"

"You drank?"

"I did, she saved me like you did- it seems I meet nice people when I'm absolutely paralytic"

"it seems that way..." she whispered before softly kissing his cheek. After that, she stood up and made her way to the door "goodnight, Mr Tavington"

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