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Eliza watched as William walked away until he completely faded from view. She sat on her bed and waited for her nightly bath. With a sigh, she undressed and slowly lowered herself into the water. She closed her eyes and leant her head against the rim of the tub.

"William..." Eliza moaned as he raised his head from between her legs. She gently stroked through his hair and urged him to come above him "I love you"

"I love you more" He groaned and pressed his lips to hers once again. William lowered his head to his breasts and planted soft kisses there.

Eliza wrapped her arms around his shoulders before slowly-

She shot her eyes open and let out a shuddered breath. Although he had lied, she could not stop thinking of him. As she dried herself, Eliza missed William's eyes watching her every move. It gave her a weird sense of security knowing that he wouldn't let anyone hurt her. But the again he had lied.

Eliza wrapped herself up in a blanket before laying out on her bed. But all she could seem to focus on was William's fading musk on his pillow. Everything was a reminder of him.

She sat up and made her way over towards the desk in the corner of her room. A subtle knock came from the door "Come in"

Her ladies maid came in with a bundle of blankets "Mistress...it's been over a month now since you've bled..." Vivian spoke, holding Eliza's gaze "The 22nd they usually come, it's now the 12th, you're more than twenty days late" Eliza's breath hitched at those words "I think that you're with child"

The last time she laid with William was on the 14th, it was a plausible possibility. Though her lack of bleeding solidified the answer, she was with child. William's child. It was his baby that grew her womb.

She rested a hand on her stomach let a tear fall down her cheek. If he was honest with her, she wouldn't be in this position!


William stumbled through the halls of the tavern with a bottle of wine in his hand. He attempted to make his way up the stairs but ended up falling and sitting on his own "what in God's name are you doing!" a familiar voice spoke, causing him to look up in surprise.

"My first drink in ssssix months! Glorious isn't it..." William slurred and leant his head against the banister, in turn, the wine to fell from his hand and spilt on the floor "annnd I'm buying another" he attempted to stand but fell back onto his arse.

Anna knelt down and helped him up "Come on you idiot" She sighed and helped him to his room. When he laid down, William covered his face and groaned "It's not even that bright"

"I ruin everything!" He sobbed as his chest jerked upwards "She doesn't even love me anymore..."

"Right I'm not having a sobbing man telling me his life story, who is this woman?"

"Eliza..." William mumbled and huddled his pillow "She said that she loved me..."

Anna smiled slightly and sat by his bedside. He continued crying but stopped when she gently stroked his cheek, it relaxed him for some reason "There, there, no need to weep"

"I ruined it...I've ruined my life" he whimpered and let out a quiet sob "Anna...I've missed you"

"You haven't ruined it"

"I have...shh-she hates me"

"Hate is such a strong word" She muttered and untangled a lug in his hair "Come now, you must sleep this off"

"I want my girl back..." Anna nodded and covered him in a coverlet "Maybe if I go on a walk, she'll find me in her barn like last time"

"She found you in a barn?" William hummed in response before completely passing out "Oh sweet Jesus, Will? William...Williepoo, can you hear me?"


"Do you want to keep it?" Vivian asked as she sat down next to her closest friend.

Yes. Maybe.

"Should I?"

A quick glance over at the door, followed by an elegant shrug "That's not my decision to make, it's entirely yours, black root is always an option"

Eliza swallowed around the dryness in her throat "Would it be bad for Arthur's reputation? His brother or a sister a bastard?"

A rare smile emerged on Vivian's lips "I doubt anyone would care, society makes such a fuss of things in my opinion"

Eliza rested her hand on the fabric of her dress, only to feel a subtle bump "If I keep it..." She trailed off, trying to get her thoughts in order. Eliza blinked, then looked back at Vivian "If I keep my baby, will you protect them and treat them the same as Arthur?"

A nod "Of course. That's my job. It would help if I knew who the father was"

Eliza smiled helplessly, a slightly hysterical laugh escaping her "Oh, come on, You know who it is"

"Has he any plans of coming back?"

"I want him to...God I wish he was here" Eliza mumbled and stroked her belly "If he hadn't lied about who he was...I would have married him, but I don't know if I can forgive him, I told him to get lost"

"I know that he lied...though he showed you true emotion, he showed how much he cared"

"I fell in love with the man he showed me, not his past"

"Yes...though one's past can't define you, look at yourself for example, your father beat you and you've never once hit Arthur"

"The change starts with the person, I swore not to be my papa"

"And maybe William wanted to escape his past too, maybe he wanted a fresh start"

Eliza looked down at her pregnant belly and sighed deeply "I just want the man I love back...though he's probably fled from South Carolina"

"I highly doubt it miss, its only been a month"

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