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After a week, William and Eliza had started to grow closer once again. They had learnt more about each others pasts, and they grew more of an understanding. One night they found themselves in the drawing room in the wee hours of the morning. They'd been tormenting each other all day, though they both secretly loved it. For some unknown reason, Eliza had the back of her head resting on his chest whilst she was doing her embroidery.

"And why are you encroaching on my space?" William laughed as she shuffled a little closer to her. He glanced down at her swollen belly, feeling nothing but pride.

"Hush peasant"

William hummed in response before leaning against thd edge of the sette "I am indeed a peasant, no need to announce it though milady"

"How formal" She gleamed before continuing with her embroidery.

He shot her a little smile before picking up his book "Very formal" William smirked as he flicked through the pages. To annoy her, he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her onto his lap.

"God, What do you want?" Eliza mused and put down her embroidery on the table.

"Attention, I crave it actually" He peeked over the top of his book and smiled slightly "Arthur's asleep, along with most of the servants"

"And what attention do you want?"

"Well...no we can't do that" He shot her a smirk before having a pillow thrown at him "and why did you do that?"

Eliza shook her head and huddled up next to him "So comfy and warm"

"Just for you..."  William wrapped his arm around her and kissed her cheek "I'm your personal blanket"

"I know it's asking a lot...but when I give birth will you be there in the room? I know its not traditional but-"  He cut her off with a soft kiss to her lips. She hummed slightly and wrapped her arms around his neck. After a few more gentle kisses, William lifted her onto his lap and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Screw traditions, I'm marrying you"

"Since when?"

"Since I first kissed you that night, in this very room" Eliza nuzzled against his chest before groaning slightly "What's wrong my love?"

"They're kicking...right in my rib"

"He's definitely a Tavington, according to my mother when I were in her womb I wouldn't stop kicking her ribs" William smirked and rested a hand on her belly, only to feel his baby kick his hand "hopefully he'll turn out like you, if he's anything like me...well you won't be happy let's say that"

Eliza rested her hand on top of his and looked up at him "Promise me that you won't leave..."

"Why would I?" William asked and playfully tipped her chin up with his palm "You should be the one running...I love you Eliza Matthews and I wish to marry you"


"Yes I love you, I want Arthur to be my son and I want you to be my wife"


"I even have a ring, you can keep your name if you don't want mine, I'd understand but-" She cut him off with a kiss. He completely melted into the sette and closed his eyes.

"Yes...I will marry you and I'll have your name"

"Seriously?" William beamed and couldn't contain his smile "you'd marry me? Even after what I've done?"

"You once asked if I would forgive 'Tavington' for what he did, I said I would've" Eliza got off his lap and sat next to him "I said that I would have, and I do" she took his hands into hers before bringing them up to her lips, planting a soft kiss on his knuckles "I fell in love with you, not your past William"

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